Presented by Nicki Harrelson, Julia Yang, and Bonnie English October 12th, 2012 Common Core Cohort B K-2
Welcome/Reflections Set Objectives Instructional Shifts Staircase of Text Complexity Text Based Answers and Writing From Sources Lunch Taking It To The Street! 10:00 12:30 – 1:30 Agenda
Look through your student work from throughout the last school year. Identify the evidence in the student work that they are progressing toward college and career readiness (see college career ready descriptors). What changed in the classroom to make that happen? – Changes in content/texts – Changes in planning – Changes in questioning strategies What additional shifts will you make this year to lead to continued progression toward college and career readiness? Reflections on Last Year
I will understand the instructional shifts that lead to college and career readiness. I will take a deep dive into shifts 3, 4, and 5. I will set objectives and plan an agenda for my collaboration time at my site. Objectives
PK-5, Balancing Informational and Literary Texts 6-12, Building Knowledge in the Disciplines Staircase of Complexity Text-Based Answers Writing from Sources Academic Vocabulary Reading-Writing Connection “The 7 th Shift” 6 Instructional Shifts
Table Talk – How do the Instructional Shifts in ELA lead to the College and Career Ready Descriptors (CCRD)? – Next to each Instructional Shift, write any CCRD that you believe the Instructional Shift leads to. Instructional Shifts
Kate Gerson - Senior Fellow for Educator Engagement John B. King Jr. – NY State Commissioner David Coleman – Contributing Author of Common Core State Standards Shift #3 – Staircase of Text Complexity
Watch the video and write down what you hear them say in the “It Says” column Take a few minutes to write down your thoughts about what you heard in the video (“I Say”) and the implications for instruction (“So What”) Discuss with your tablemates It Says, I Say, So What
Look at the two Johnny Appleseed texts – Which one appears more complex? – Which one would you choose for ELs? Read your texts focusing attention on the description of Johnny Appleseed – Using your text, what impression do you have of Johnny Appleseed? Share across the table. Were your impressions the same? Why or why not? Shift #3 – Staircase of Text Complexity
How much inference and/or background knowledge is required in order to make sense of the first text? Which one would you like students using as a mentor text for their writing? What scaffolding could you provide students to help them access the more complex text? Shift #3 – Staircase of Text Complexity
Students engage in rich and rigorous evidence based conversations about text. Implications for: – The types of questions/prompts we give students – The types of responses that we accept from students – The focus we must have on pushing students back into the text Shift #4 Text-based Answers
Chrysanthemum What does this work require of the student? What does this work require of the teacher? Try On the Work
Using the Informational Text CCSS, and an informational text at your table, create questions to go across the standards. Try on the Work
Writing emphasizes use of evidence from sources to inform or make an argument. Implications for: – Prompts given to students – Writing instruction – Mentor texts used in writer’s workshop / Write Tools Shift #5 – Writing From Sources
Using the informational texts at your table: Look at both the reading and writing standards Come up with a writing prompt that will drive students back into the text for evidence to support their writing. Jot down at least 2 writing lessons you would need to teach before giving your students this kind of prompt. Write at least one prompt on poster paper. Trying on the Work
Collaboration at my Site
4 objectives Identify and plan for one action step at your site to build collaboration and/or excitement around common core work. Plan a pre-assessment around informational text. Identify a group of focal students so we can review work over the course of the year. Identify a theme and some texts you will use to teach informational reading and writing. What do we do with our release day?
Bring your action step for building collaboration and any results you may have gotten from that step. Bring your student work from your pre- assessment. Bring text you want to use in your informational unit. (Pay careful attention to the inclusion of grade-level appropriate complex text) What do I bring to next meeting?