We started our mini inquiry because we heard about room 3s fantastic discoveries. We hoped that brain food might improve our learning environment as well.
What is Brain Food? Brain food is food that is full of nutrients and good stuff that helps us concentrate and stay on task. Brain food is healthy, such as grapes, apples, dried fruit, carrots and crackers. Eating brain food regularly will improve our learning! We will keep you updated with our results!
Step One Find some foods and do some discoveries about them using our five senses.
Step Two We looked through our results to find what was important in a brain food. We found that we did not want foods that were too high in added sugar or foods that had too many preservatives. Natural foods made us feel better in our classroom.
Step Three We decided on a list of 16 brain foods that may be appropriate and set up a tournament prioritiser. Two foods go head to head in a tournament prioritiser. We had to debate in pairs. We debated why we thought each food should go through to the next round. Our aim was to find the most suitable brain food that would improve our learning in our classroom.
Step Four We found out our finalists. Our top two brain foods. Everyones were different but most were very similar. We did a P (plus) M (minus) I (interesting/improve) chart on our top two brain foods.
Step Five We have a winner!!!!! We created a list of our top brain foods and started to prepare a letter home.
Step Six We decided on how to pack and store our brain foods. Then we wrote a letter home and today we are sending it home to parents. We hope brain food will improve our learning! We will let you know soon!