W HAT IS THE U NDERGRADUATE R ESEARCH AND C REATIVE A CTIVITIES P ROGRAM ? The URCA Program at SIU e is a program that allows students to engage in a research project or creative endeavor under the guidance of a faculty mentor.
P URPOSE OF THE URCA P ROGRAM Encourage Recognize Support Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
H ISTORY OF THE URCA P ROGRAM Began as the Undergraduate Research Academy at SIUE in 1990; original Academy had 33 Scholars Total of 381 students have completed the program since then Projects from 41 different majors and specialties 200 faculty have served as mentors
P ARTICIPATION O PTIONS URCA Assistant Works on faculty led research or creative activity for approximately 8-10 hours each week Gains introductory experience in a specific field Minimum commitment of one semester URCA Associate Leads an independent project with guidance from a faculty mentor Manages his/her own project budget Project begins in the fall and ends in spring
URCA P ARTICIPANTS R ECEIVE : URCA Assistants – Most receive: $800 award per semester URCA Associates – All receive: $2000 award $500 toward project expenses $400 conference travel presentation
B ENEFITS FOR S TUDENTS Opportunity to explore in-depth research or creative processes Develop a close working relationship with faculty Design and work on a project not available in courses
S TUDENTS P ARTICIPATE IN : Innovative research or creative activities Discipline-specific problem-solving Networking with students in various disciplines Grant-writing experiences Professional presentations
URCA I MPACT : G RADUATE S CHOOL URCA Program helps applicants stand out Actual lab, studio, and field experiences Alumni have high rate of acceptance into 1st choice of graduate schools Alumni often receive assistantships/ fellowships at graduate schools
URCA P ROGRAM A PPLICATION URCA Assistants Students submit the online application directly to faculty members, due early August and December See position postings at Notification by the first day of the semester URCA Associates Project proposals due at noon on the third Friday in March Visit the following website for more information: Notification by the end of April
Q UESTIONS ? For More Information Contact: Dr. Laura Pawlow, URCA Coordinator Dr. Vicki Scott, Assistant Provost for Academic Innovation and Effectiveness Kendra Fark, URCA Graduate Assistant