Project-based Learning for the Core Classes
Write your definition on your paper. Discuss your definition with your tablemates. Make a list of the common ideas. Region 10
Breaking Free pg 30 by Allison Zmuda
The rules of this classroom and subject area determined by each teacher. What the teacher wants me to say is more important than what I want to say. The point of an assignment is to get it done so that it’s off the to-do list. If I make a mistake, my job is only to replace it with the right answer. I feel proud of myself only if I receive a good grade. Speed is synonymous with intelligence If I get too far behind, I will never catch up. The way I want to be seen by my classmates affects the way I conduct myself as a learner. What I’m learning in school doesn’t have much to do with my life, but it isn’t supposed to ---it’s school.
Math Video– Sample Video
Thinking Big About Engagement
Facts Rules Discipline- Related Concept Principles Universal Theme Generalization Levels of Understanding Region 10
FACTS Memorization Knowledge level of Bloom’s Assessed mainly with multiple choice Often found in Science and Social Studies Region 10
Rules Ability to transfer fact/knowledge to a new situation with many similarities to the exemplar * Rule: Put an exclamation at the end of an exclamatory sentence. May include giving students steps to think through to make the application: * Look at the sentence * Search for emotion words * Decide whether to put an exclamation mark or a period Mostly ELA and math but can cross into all subject areas Assessed mostly with multiple choice and constructed response Region 10
Concepts Ideas, broad and abstract Taught through examples, used to classify Span multiple grades Higher rigor (application, analysis, and evaluation levels) Multiple assessment measures Region 10
Principles Principles are always true and have significant roles within a discipline. Cornerstones for understanding and applying the knowledge of a discipline. Example: Newton’s Laws (F= ma); 1=1 or 1= 2/2 Region 10
Universal Themes Translates out of a single discipline and across disciplines May be used for interdisciplinary studies Could apply anywhere at anytime Examples: Systems, Interdependence, Change Region 10
Generalization Essential understandings because they are the deeper, transferable ideas that arise from fact-based studies. Statements of the relationships between concepts Transfer across time and singular examples Suggests and ability to synthesize information from two or more conceptual studies Region 10
Facts Rules Discipline- Related Concept Principles Universal Theme Generalization Communication can be verbal or written. Communication can be enhanced through use of conventional rules. Communication Exclamations are usually expressed in times of high stress, high joy, surprise, etc. Exclamation or Sentences Put an exclamation mark at the end of a sentence showing excitement This is an exclamation mark - ! Region 10
Facts Rules Discipline- Related Concept Principles Universal Theme Generalization 1.Human migration 2.Great Migration of the 1980’s 3.Change 4.People moved south for jobs and weather 5.People migrate in response to either a push or pull factor 6. Change is constant but humans have control over their reaction to change. Place the # above the correct category of learning. Region 10
Facts Rules Discipline- Related Concept Principles Universal Theme Generalization 1.Human migration 2.Great Migration of the 1980’s 3.Change 4.People moved south for jobs and weather 5.People migrate in response to either a push or pull factor 6. Change is constant but humans have control over their reaction to change. Place the # above the correct category of learning Region
What do the following terms mean to you? What are the minute differences? Assessment Performances Assessment Performance Task Constructed Response Selected Responses Observation Region 10
Performance assessment tasks involve students in construction various types of products for diverse audiences. Students also are involved in developing the process that leads to the finished products. Performance assessment measures what students can do with what they know, rather than how much they know. Performance assessment tasks are based on what is most essential in the curriculum and what is interesting to a student. Region 10
IPI Integrated Performance-based Instructional Integrated- most than one subject assessed through the task Performance-based- view process and assess product Instructional- no instructional time lost because student continues to acquire information as he/she demonstrates control of given process skills Region 10
Too vague: teacher does not know specifically what he/she should have the students do- the performance or the product To many SEs- “the kitchen sink” mentality- keep it focused on the competencies that are important Not grade-level appropriate – in effort to get the performance in, asking students to do something beyond their developmental level Region 10
Lacks authenticity- does not include a real life connection, role, or product Too long- task takes more than 2-3 days to complete Too low level- task does not require higher levels of thinking and understanding, cannot be assessed with a rubric Region 10
Try to identify a small number of TEKS that would lend themselves to authentic assessment Once you have identified an SE, write a performance task Region 10
*Real or Simulated RoleYou are a… *SituationDuring or involved in…who is being asked to… *Resources allowedUsing… *possible problemsIn which you are faced with ProductAnd produce a… AudienceFor… TimeframeBy…
Stage 1 – The Standards, EUs and EQs TEKS, CCRS, NETS, Local Objectives, Graduate Expectations, 21 st Century Learning Skills, Authentic Design Elements Stage 2 – Assessment Design Designing assessment that is authentic in practice and that measures student mastery of the TEKS Stage 3 – Lesson and Activity Design The lessons and activities designed in this stage should be based on the desired results from Stage 1 and 2. Region 10
Setting the Stage Region 10
Big Idea Enduring Understanding Essential Question Topic or Content Standard What is the issue, challenge, investigation, scenario, or problem? What overarching conceptual understanding do I want students to perceive by the end of this unit? What broad or topical conceptual question do I want students to be able to answer at the end of this unit? Region 10
Enduring understandings: are statements summarizing important ideas and core processes that are central to a discipline and have lasting value beyond the classroom. synthesize what students should understand— not just know or do—as a result of studying a particular content area. articulate what students should “revisit” over the course of their lifetimes in relationship to the content area. Region 10
One that lies at the heart of a subject or a curriculum and promotes inquiry and uncoverage of a subject. Have no simple “right” answer Provoke & sustain inquiry Address conceptual or philosophical foundations Raise other important questions Naturally & appropriately recur Region 10
Unit Template The Standards Region 10