Welcome to Curriculum Night Thank you for being here to gain ideas in supporting your student’s learning.
Reading Log - Daily Homework
Reader’s Workshop Cognitive Strategies - making connections, predicting, questioning, visualizing Reading Skills – main idea, summary, finding details, inferencing, vocabulary, drawing conclusions, theme, poetic structure Independent reading Reading groups – teacher / peer
Higher Level Thinking… Reading
Higher Level Thinking…Reading
Higher Level Thinking…Reading
Writer’s Workshop Writer’s Notebook / Spelling & Grammar folder Brainstorming ideas / activities Choice writing (personal narratives, creative writing, poetry, expository) Conferencing Sharing
Writing in 4th Grade What are the expectations for writing in 4th grade? What do higher level thinking questions look like in writing?
Personal Narrative: PROMPT – Write about a time you had to make a choice. *what we typically see at the beginning of 4th grade
Personal Narrative: PROMPT – Write about a time you had to make a choice. *with instruction and practice, this is the kind of writing we are working toward
Expository Writing: PROMPT: Write about your favorite place to spend time. Describe the place and explain what makes it special. *what we typically see early in the year
Expository Writing: PROMPT: Write about your favorite place to spend time. Describe the place and explain what makes it special. *with instruction and practice, this is the type of writing we are working toward
Higher Level Thinking…Writing
Higher Level Thinking…Writing
Higher Level Thinking…Writing
Math in 4th Grade 2-3 step Word Problems Multiplication basic facts memorized 29 x 84 and 8,534 x 2 9,956 divided by 6
(cubes or rectangular prisms) Decimals 0.5 and 0.05 Volume 3D shapes (cubes or rectangular prisms) Decimals 0.5 and 0.05 Line, Line Segments, Rays Angles and Lines
Representing Data Frequency Tables Dot Plot Stem-and -Leaf
Lending or Borrowing money Financial Literacy Making profit Lending or Borrowing money
Math What can you do to help your child to do better in my Math class: Check AGENDA every day and initial it Monitor the HOMEFUN assignments Have your child practice Multiplication Facts every day Ask your child to TEACH you something they learn every day
Measurement and graphing are implemented into the units Please discuss units of measurement with your child whenever possible: as you are grocery shopping, buying gasoline, cooking, and etc.
How often should I practice basic multiplication facts? Only on the days you eat! Multiplication Fluency: A necessity for success in math! Students are expected to be practicing basic multiplication fact fluency daily. Fluency means a student is able to instantly retrieve the answer from memory. Students will be held accountable for acquiring this skill. A major grade will be given each quarter. Students will be graded on fluency > speed and accuracy of 100 basic facts and will be graded as follows: 1st Quarter - 5 minutes 2nd Quarter - 4.5 minutes 3rd Quarter - 4 minutes 4th Quarter - 3 minutes
Box Model/Method Multiplication
Science Topics to be covered Science ISN Hands-on Vocabulary Critical thinking – drawing conclusions Process Skills http://lead4ward.com/docs/2015resources/TEKS_Snapshot_Science_July_2014_Grade_04.pdf
Measurement and graphing are implemented into the units Please discuss units of measurement with your child whenever possible: as you are grocery shopping, buying gasoline, cooking, and etc.
We are going to have a great year!!