PERALTA ECONOMIC & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Update to the District Education Committee November 21, 2014 Dr. Karen Engel Director of Economic & Workforce Development
AFT’s Workforce Devt Summit last week “We are in a global competition for jobs; the single best weapon is CTE. We need to out-skill the competition.” Nicholas PinchukNicholas Pinchuk, chairman and CEO of Snap-on ToolsSnap-on Tools Surveyed educators stress that they need 21st-century technology and equipment in order to match what’s in today’s business settings. Partnerships with industry are critical as is sustained, consistent funding.
Agenda CTE Sub-Committee Update (files in DEC DropBox) Adult Education Planning Process CDCP non-credit issue Career Pathways Trust Pathway Action Teams Transitions: assessment, placement, dual and concurrent enrollment policies and practices Job Placement for Peralta Students BOG: Task Force on Workforce, Job Creation and a Strong Economy – opportunities for input Grant Opportunities We are Tracking
CTE Sub-Committee Update Program Marketing Strategic Planning session planned for January Defining a Pathway Essential for measuring outcomes To be continued in December Work-based Learning & Industry Engagement strategies (also in December)
AB 86 Adult Education Career Development College Preparation (CDCP) Noncredit funding rate increasing to Credit rate in 2015 CDCP Enhanced Funding Categories: ESL Math and English basic skills Short-term CTE courses with high employment potential High school diploma or high school equivalency certificates Workforce preparation courses Programs for apprentices Important on-going collaboration on our Regional Adult Education Plan with our K12 Adult School Partners: December 4, 4-7 p.m. at Merritt College Align assessment and placement & student supports?
Career Pathways Trust December 4 CPT meeting is critical Assessment, placement, multiple measures Early college credit: dual and concurrent enrollment Pathway Teams: course sequences Champions: CTE faculty leads; math & English leads; Counselors; VPs; CTE Deans
Job Placement College Career Centers Better partnerships with Workforce Investment Boards (WIBs), One Stop Career Centers, local Chambers, and others College programs on the ETPL Looking at on-line career devt/job search tools: Peralta CTE website CCCCO Career Café CCCCO pilot: LaunchPath CalPASS+ LaunchBoard CalJOBS Work-based Learning (Coop Ed; Apprenticeships)
BOG Task Force on Workforce How do we dramatically increase the number of community college students who earn quality industry- valued credentials? How do we ensure that community colleges work better and in a timelier manner with industry to assure that students leave with appropriate skills for high value and good paying jobs? How do we make funding for workforce programs and structured CTE pathways more sustainable especially during budget downturns? Regional Meeting: Monday, December 1 at CCCD in Martinez, 10-3.
Grant Opportunities We are Tracking CA CTE Enhancement Funds (60%, 40%) Higher Education Innovation Awards UCB/Peralta Peralta/CPT Consortium/East Bay STEM Network American Apprenticeship Initiative Advanced Manufacturing (Laney/DSN lead)