EMPLOYMENT & DISABILITY Joan O’Donnell Disability Federation of Ireland Presentation to Centre for Independent Living National Leader Forum
The Right to Work: UNCRPD Article 27 Right to work, on an equal basis with others; this includes the right to the opportunity to gain a living in a labour market and work environment that is open, inclusive and accessible Safeguard and promote the realization of the right to work, including for those who acquire a disability
UNCRPD States must Prohibit discrimination in recruitment, hiring and employment, continuance of employment, career advancement and safe and healthy working conditions; Protect rights on an equal basis with others, including equal opportunities and pay for work of equal value, safe and healthy working conditions, protection from harassment, and opportunity to address grievances; The same labour rights as other workers Access to guidance programmes, placement services and training; Opportunities and career advancement, as well as assistance in finding, obtaining, maintaining and returning to employment
The Right to Work UNCRPD Promote opportunities for self-employment, entrepreneurship, the development of cooperatives and starting one's own business; Employ persons with disabilities in the public sector; Promote the employment of persons with disabilities in the private sector Ensure reasonable accommodation Promote work experience in the open labour market; Promote vocational and professional rehabilitation, job retention and return-to-work programmes
National Disability Strategy Commitment to 10 Year Comprehensive Employment Strategy
What is the situation of people with disabilities when it comes to work? People with disabilities are only half as likely to be in employment as others of working age. 33% of people with disabilities of working age in work, compared to 66% of non-disabled people. 112,000 people with disabilities in employment.(2011 census)
What is the situation of people with disabilities when it comes to work? For those born with a disability, quality education and training, and good bridges from education and training into the world of work, are key to getting on a job and career ladder. For those who acquire a disability during their working life need support to re-enter the workforce, either returning to their old job or being retrained for another position About four out of five adults with disabilities have acquired their disability in adult life.
Who wants to work? Over one third of people with disabilities, about and almost two thirds of younger people in the age groups would like to work if the circumstances were right. Half of all those with mental health difficulties want to work.
What happened in the last 10 years? Very little change in the numbers on Disability Allowance No significant change in people with disability in employment between 2004 and Work has become more precarious: zero contract hours, part time working, low paid. People with disabilities must not become the new “underclass” of workers.
Jobless Households Almost one quarter of households in Ireland can be described as jobless compared to a European Union (EU) average of 11%. More likely to have: no educational qualifications to have never worked to be in the unskilled social class. To be renting Single, parenting alone, Have a disability or live with someone with a disability. There are three main factors causing this: 1. How tax and social welfare work and how transitions to from welfare to work. 2. Availability of jobs and whether the skills of those in jobless households match the requirements of the job. 3. Specific characteristics of the jobless household, eg age, level of education and skills, and the health of the adults &, age and number of children.
Why are so few people with disabilities working? Level of education and skills Fears around loss of benefits Employer know-how Low expectations Limited re-entry to work following onset of a disability.
Support Needs A higher proportion of those people with disabilities who are not in work are limited in the type or amount of work they could do. On the other hand, about 15% of those with difficulty working are in fact in work. On average higher support needs among those currently outside the workforce than among those currently in work. The single most frequent change sought: more flexible hours.
How relevant is education? There is a close link between education levels, employment chances, and income earned over someone’s lifetime. People with disabilities have lower levels of education than the population at large. This affects chances of getting a job, and their potential earnings in work. Some of the difference in education levels reflects the fact that people with disabilities are older than the average, but differences in outcomes remain for younger people with disabilities.
Comparisons with other groups Strength of labour market connection: People with weaker connections to the labour market fare worst during recessions eg. women and migrants as labour reserve. This also applies to people with disabilities who may find it harder to find work when demand for labour is low.
How to play to strengths? There is more part time work Activation Schemes Self-employment Less emigration Ensure that we get a Comprehensive Employment strategy that will deliver real jobs and supports
Any questions? Thank you. Joan O’Donnell