1 Dr. Franz Josef Gellert Prof. Dr. Rene Schalk
Youth employment: Student preferences for Mobiflex work 2 What we need is not the will to believe, but the wish to find out. William Wordsworth, retrieved from Counter Clockwise, E. Langer (2009)
Youth employment: Student preferences for Mobiflex work 3 Financial crises- organizations cut costs and lay-off employees New employment trends, from fixed to flexible contracts War of talents Employers and employees wishes, desires and expectations are changing and must not match any longer Mobility and flexibility goes hand in hand with changing employment relationships= Mobiflex?
Youth employment: Student preferences for Mobiflex work 4 Problem area/Core Research Question Do students’ job-and firm-related preferences align with the characteristics of Mobiflex work?
Youth employment: Student preferences for Mobiflex work 5 Sample: 175 (Northern) German students at 2 Universities 58% male, 42% female, Mean age 25, Response rate: 98%
Youth employment: Student preferences for Mobiflex work 6 Instrument: Questionnaire with 15 job- related questions and 18 firm-related questions
Youth employment: Student preferences for Mobiflex work 7 Analysis We first conducted a Principle Axis Factor Analysis (PAF) to examine the number of factors with respect to student preferences related to the job and to the firm. We tested the answer of our research question with hierarchical multiple regression analyses at an individual level. First, we controlled for gender and age and continued with entering step-by-step job- related preferences testing their influence on firm- related preferences.
Youth employment: Student preferences for Mobiflex work 8 Results 1-Correlations Age is negatively related to Mobiflex work which indicates that with increasing age, less Mobiflex work is appreciated. Mobiflex work correlates strongly with employer provisions and opportunities for development. Students prefer to work as a Mobiflex worker as long as they can see that tangible and intangible employer support is given. The preference for autonomy is higher than the preference for Mobiflex work. With respect to preference for type of employer, the wishes for work life balance are less relevant than the wishes with respect to opportunities for development.
Youth employment: Student preferences for Mobiflex work 9 Results 2-Regression(s) Students’ preference for Mobiflex work is an important predictor for choosing employers that provide (financial) provisions (R² is.15) Opportunities for development (R² is.19). A preference for autonomy predicts a choice for employers that provide opportunities for work-life balance; this relationship is not strong, however (R² is.03).
Youth employment: Student preferences for Mobiflex work 10 Conclusion(s) Research question: “Do students’ job- and firm-related preferences align with the characteristics of Mobiflex work?” 1.Respondents have a higher preference for autonomy than for Mobiflex work. 2.The preference for Mobiflex work predicts the choice for employers, that focus on providing financial benefits and opportunities for individual development. 3.Individual development has a positive influence on students’ mobility, flexibility, and the management of work-life balance.
Youth employment: Student preferences for Mobiflex work 11 Theoretical and practical impact (s) For policy: equal treatment of men and women, health promotion scheems, employability security For companies:recruitment policy, equal treatment of men and women with regard to work conditions and remuneration, balance of work and non-work responsibilities, management style For workers:employability, work and life balance, motivation, health, career path/plan/development, social networks For students:education scheems, social skills, choice of business sector, choice of (attractive) employer
Youth employment: Student preferences for Mobiflex work 12 Recommendation(s) New employment relationships are developing, therefore…… Potential labor market entrees are invited to clarify their desires, wishes and needs during their studies Employers are challenged to develop recruitment policies that fit market demands as well as employee demands A flexible work agreement might be good as a starting point at which employers and employees can agree on reasonable work conditions Since we do not know the influence of Mobiflex work on occupational health, further research is needed.
For your attention ! 13 Questions????????