PART 1 AS OF 20 MAY, 2015
Merit Based Promotion It is subject to the vacancy of higher grade promotion post in the staff’s scheme of service Time based promotion There are two (2) types of time-based promotion: i. Appointment Grade (e.g. from Grade 17 to 22 / Grade 41 to 44) ii. First level of promotion grade (e.g. from Grade 22 to 26 / Grade 44 to 48) The time-based promotion is based on personal-to-holder. As such, upon retirement or resignation of the holder, the vacated post will revert to the warranted post.
3 Confirmed in service; Achieved the stipulated level of excellence in service (APAR of 85%); Achieved the stipulated points of Competency Talent Development (CTD) or equivalent; No record of any disciplinary punishment Has made Asset Declaration; AND Recommended by the Head of Department CRITERIA FOR MERIT PROMOTION
Appointment Grade and first level of promotion grade -Has been confirmed in service; -Has been serving for at least ten (10) years on the appointment grade/ first level of promotion grade (excluding the duration of unpaid leave and half-pay leave and other type of leave to be determined by the University from time to time); -Achieved the stipulated level of excellence in service by achieving average score of 85% in the Annual Performance Appraisal Report (APAR) for the last three (3) years; -Achieved the stipulated points of Competency Talent Development (CTD) or equivalent; -Has made Asset Declaration; -No record of any disciplinary punishment; and -Recommended by the Head of Department. The criterion on confirmation in service is applicable for time-based promotion on appointment grade ONLY. Staff members in the Professional and Management Group, who have accumulated twenty (20) years of service, can be considered for promotion on the 1 st level of promotion grade after they have been serving at least four (4) years on their first level of promotion grade and fulfilled all the requirements for time-based promotion. CRITERIA FOR TIME-BASED PROMOTION (P&M)
CRITERIA FOR TIME-BASED PROMOTION BASED ON EXCELENCE (SUPPORT GROUP) Appointment grade -Has served at least thirteen (13) years on the appointment grade (excluding the duration of unpaid leave if any) on 1 st July 2013; -Achieved the stipulated level of excellence in service by achieving average score of 80% in the Annual Performance Appraisal Report (APAR) for the last three (3) years; -Fulfilled the general conditions of promotion: Confirmed in service; Pass the Continuous Talent Development (CTD)-42 points; Has made Asset Declaration; No record of any disciplinary punishment during the thirteen (13) years of service; and Recommended by the Head of Department DescriptionGrade Marks of APAR Level of Excellence Served more than 13 years of service before %Not applicable % Completed 13 years of service before (using APAR 2014, 2013 & 2012) % Good / Excellent % Completed 13 years of service on and onwards (using APAR 2015, 2014 & 2013) %Good / Excellent
Cont… First level of promotion grade -Has been serving for at least ten (10) years on the first level of promotion grade (excluding the duration of unpaid leave/half-pay leave and other type of leave to be determined by the University from time to time); -Achieved the stipulated level of excellence in service by achieving average score of 85% in the Annual Performance Appraisal Report (APAR) for the last three (3) years; -Achieved the stipulated points of Competency Talent Development (CTD) or equivalent; -Has made Asset Declaration; -No record of any disciplinary punishment; and -Recommended by the Head of Department.
The University through the Staff Service Committee (SSC) Meeting No. 3/2014 has decided the duration of ineligibility is as follows :- INELIGIBILTY PERIOD (Officers under Investigation for Disciplinary Offence and Officers Imposed Disciplinary Punishment) No. Punishment Duration of ineligibility for consideration of promotion 1Warning12 months 2Fine18 months 3Forfeiture of emoluments24 months 4Deferment of salary movement30 months 5Reduction of salary36 months 6Demotion48 months The duration of ineligibility will commence from the date the disciplinary punishment was meted.