Lesson 2 Church : The Community of the Redeemed
Lesson Objectives In Old Testament, GOD liberated Israel from slavery in Egypt In New Testament, Jesus liberated us from sin by his death on cross Today, Church offers salvation through sacraments
Slavery of Israel in Egypt GOD sent Moses and Aaron to liberate people of Israel from the slavery in Egypt GOD sent nine calamities to Egypt Pharao’s mind was not changed
Passover lamb GOD decided to kill first- borns of Egyptians Blood of Passover lamb was put on the doors of Israel to protect them from destroyer Israelites were saved by the blood of passover lamb
Liberation of Israel from slavery Israelites were liberated from slavery in Egypt Israelites were led to freedom and salvation For Israel, salvation meant liberation
Ten Commandments GOD made a covenant with liberated Israelites and gave them Ten Commandments Obeying Ten Commandments ensured salvation for Israelites But Israelites sinned and moved away from GOD.
Jesus: The Savior of the world An unbreakable covenant was made to lead GOD’s people to salvation through Jesus The name Jesus means ‘GOD saves’ Jesus saved humanity from the slavery of sin through his suffering, death on cross and glorious resurrection
Old Testament vs. New Testament Old Testament The liberation of Israel from slavery in Egypt The Passover lamb Blood of the lamb on the door protected Israelites from destroyer New Testament Salvation of mankind from sins Jesus, the lamb of GOD Blood of Jesus freed the entire humanity from sin
Holy Eucharist Today Jesus is present among us in the form of Holy Eucharist Jesus instituted this sacrament and gave the authority to church to administer this We receive salvation, when we receive Holy Eucharist
Church offers salvation Church is the custodian of salvation achieved by Jesus Church offers us salvation through proclaiming the Word of GOD and administering sacraments Church is the sign and instrument of the salvation for all people
Sacraments: Means of Salvation Sacraments are the visible symbols, instituted by Jesus and administered by church, that purify and empowers us by giving us the invisible divine life. Sacraments are the means of salvation to GOD’s people Sacraments offer us - forgiveness of sins - divine life - lead us to salvation - give us Holy Spirit
7 Sacraments 1. Baptism - set us free from original sin and make us members of church 2. Anointing – give us special power and charisms of Holy Spirit 3. Holy Mass – give us forgiveness of sins and divine life
7 Sacraments..contd 4. Reconciliation – forgiveness of sins 5. Anointing the sick – gives us health in body and soul 6. Holy Orders – perform duties of teaching, sanctifying and leading church 7. Matrimony – gives couple the grace to live united in holy love and bring up children as good Christian
Conviction Obeying 10 commandments are necessary to get salvation By reading Bible and living according to GOD’s will, I can have a relation with GOD and get salvation Church offers Sacraments, which are a means of salvation through which I get forgiveness of sins and divine life
Application I will obey Ten Commandments I will read Bible daily and live accordingly I will actively participate in mass I will receive sacraments regularly