Rough sleeping in Scotland
Background Rough sleeping significantly higher than HL1 stats Problematic sofa surfing identified in National Youth Homelessness survey Question whether rough sleeping increasing Need to understand if policy responses needed
Context Rough sleeping population 80-85% white male Glasgow exception with around 30 – 40% women Primarily urban issue Services report numbers significantly higher than HL1 Anecdotal reports of some LAs not meeting statutory duties
HL1 One of the best statistical records in Europe Robust in what it records Records only those who contact local authorities Relies on self reporting by applicants
Who is missing? Non EU migrants EEA migrants Long term rough sleepers with complex needs ‘Sporadic’ rough sleepers with long term patterns of rough sleeping Women
Issues which need to be addressed Rough sleepers who are not brought into services within 3 days (in HL1 stats) EEA migrants who may have recourse to public funds EEA migrants and other migrants) with no recourse to public funds Women – hidden rough sleeping Complex needs and long term rough sleeping Sporadic but long term rough sleepers Problematic sofa surfing
Short term rough sleepers People who are not engaged with services within three days Further work required to identify reasons Probably requires some changes to practice but relatively straightforward. Could be a ‘quick win.’
Further investigation of hidden rough sleeping amongst women Often manifests as women ‘having missed last bus’ Can be with exploitative male Can be isolated sleeping in suburbs where ‘safer.’ Women
Migrants Clear guidance for services/LAs (and possible expert helpline?) to ensure EEA migrants entitled to public funds get access to them Pressure politically for EU policy response to ensure access to basic funds for any EU citizen (‘Solidarity Fund’?) Policy development re other migrants not entitled to funds to ensure access to basic shelter
Long term rough sleepers Health and Social Care Integration to include as a priority tackling complex needs SG to develop a prevention workstream linked to multiple exclusion homelessness Health dept to consider HEAT target linked to multiple exclusion SG to consider rolling out Housing First
Sporadic rough sleepers Further research to better understand patterns of unstructured lifestyle Develop better means of identifying people at risk of or involved in sporadic rough sleeping Develop pilot to identify appropriate cross disciplinary interventions to prevent repeated rough sleeping/ prison sentences/ hospital admissions etc. and prevent worsening of developing complex needs
Problematic sofa surfing Seek means of identifying levels of problematic sofa surfing and profile of people who experience it (likely to include young people, perhaps women, perhaps minority ethnic communities disproportionately) Use Leaving Home and Housing Education to help especially young people understand that sofa surfing amounts to homelessness and how to seek assistance
Miscellaneous Further investigate the three local authorities which report no rough sleeping (given that remote and rural authorities report some rough sleeping) Investigate whether HL1 rough sleeping data could be improved by developing a means where 3 rd sector partners information could be included Establish if there is any correlation between findings of intentional homelessness and subsequent rough sleeping Ask LAs to include a focus on rough sleeping in housing strategies