The Three Little Pigs Unit Designed by Jennifer Farner, Whitfield County School System, 2006 GPS Standards addressed: ELAKR6 – The student gains meaning from orally presented text. The student: a. Listens to and reads a variety of literary (e.g., short stories, poems) and informational text to gain knowledge and for pleasure. b. Makes predications from pictures and titles. e. Retells familiar events and stories to include beginning, middle, and end. h. Retells important facts in the student’s own words. ELA1R6 – The student uses a variety of strategies to understand and gain meaning from grade-level text. The student: a. Reads and listens to a variety of texts for information and pleasure. b. Makes predictions using prior knowledge. d. Retells stories read independently or with a partner. e. Distinguishes fact from fiction. ELA2R4 – The student uses a variety of strategies to understand and gain meaning from grade-level text. The student: a. Reads and listens to a variety of texts for information and pleasure. b. Makes predications from text content. d. Recalls explicit facts and infers implicit facts. m. Recognizes the basic elements of a variety of genres (e.g. poetry, fables, folktales).
Stepwise Instructional Task Worksheet Early Elementary ELA Comprehension: “The Three Little Pigs”
The Three Little Pigs flip book created on poster board using Boardmaker PCS symbols by Mayer- Johnson, LLC.
The repeated line of the story remains on the bottom board. Each event of the rest of the story becomes a flip page.
The “Big, Bad Wolf” is attached to a blow dryer. While re-enacting the story,students turn on the dryer to blow the houses of straw and sticks off the table. The house of “brick” Legos® is too strong to fall off the table!