Preventing Airway Obstructions WHAM
W hat risks are observed on scene? H ow can we keep from coming back? A ction to take to prevent future injuries M aterials to leave behind WHAM
Airway Obstructions Airway obstructions include accidental choking, strangulation and suffocation Children under 3 are most at risk Food is the most common cause of choking Since 1990, 200+ infants and young children have been strangled to death by window cords in the US
What risks are observed on scene? Your patient is a 15-month- old baby boy. He choked on a button he found on the floor, prompting his parents to make a frantic call to When you arrive, he is alert and crying in his mother’s arms. The tearful mother tells you that she expelled the button with back slaps.
How can we keep from coming back?
Action to take to prevent further injuries Encourage parents to inspect child’s play area by getting on the floor at the child’s eye level Show parent how toilet tissue roll can be used as a “small parts tester” (anything small enough to fit in the roll is too small for toddlers) Recommend parents take First Aid/CPR class Remind parents of other common hazards: Food, window blind cords, recalled toys (Refer to
Materials to leave behind Utilize WHAM folder on rig Provide Safe Kids brochure “Prevent Choking” List of your department’s CPR classes (if available)
Further info on Preventing Airway Obstructions Links: (recalled consumer products, including items such as toys or cribs that do not meet choking prevention or head entrapment standards) (Window Covering Council with info on retrofitting window blinds purchased before 2001)
WHAM developed by: Central Pierce Fire & Rescue City of DuPont Fire Department Gig Harbor Fire & Medic One Safe Kids Pierce County Tacoma-Pierce County Health Dept. With funding from: West Region EMS & Trauma Care Council