The Roman World Chapter 5
Conflict of the Orders How did the plebian participation in the army affect Rome? What changes did the plebians force Rome to make?
The Roman Government List the three parts of the Roman government. Who were the consuls? What were censors? What are praetors?
The Roman Government What were the problems of the Roman Empire in the mid 100’s?
The Roman Revolution What was the main cause of the problems in Rome? What did Gracchi do? What did Marius do? What did Sulla do?
The Roman Revolution Who were members of the 1 st Triumvirate? What course of events led to the end of this trio?
The Roman Revolution What was the outcome for Julius Caesar? Why? Who were the members of the 2 nd Triumvirate? What course of events led to the end of this trio?
Pax Romana What changes did Octavian make? What are the characteristics of the Pax Romana? Look at the chart on page 125 of the Emperors of the Pax Romana era. Select an emperor and write a brief report about their accomplishments and disasters. What problems did Rome face after Marcus Aurelius?
Rise of Christianity How were the Jews treated under Roman Rule? What events took place that changed this? On page 132 read the biography of Jesus of Nazareth. What are the central themes of Christianity?
The Rise of Christianity Who was Saul of Tarsus? How did he help the spread of Christianity? Why did Christianity appeal to the people?
Diocletian Reforms How did the Emperor Diocletian change Rome?
Results of the Rise of Christianity Watch the video – Constantine Becomes Emperor from How did the rise of Christianity change ancient Roman religion?
End of Roman Empire What was the major problem facing the Roman Empire? Who were the Huns and what affect did they have on Rome? Who were the Vandals? Who were the Ostrogoths?
The End of the Roman Empire Watch the United Streaming video A Proud Empire CollapsesA Proud Empire Collapses Draft a short speech that could have been made by Romulus Augustulus the last Roman Emperor in which he recalls Rome magnificent past and outlines the reasons for the empire’s demise and surrenders to the Ostrogoth commander Odoacer.