E. Coli: A Food Problem By: Kelsey Sheeran
The Problem E. Coli is now not only just found in beef, but now in spinach apple juice, and other fruits and vegetables due to the run off from factories. According to the CDC E. Coli is highly contagious. Every year there are about 75,000 cases and 61 deaths from E. Coli. Even worse in 1998 the USDA lost the ability to shut down companies that repeatedly failed E. Coli testing.
The Effects E. Coli effects the environment because when it enters water it can begin a chain reaction that will kill any animal inhabiting the water. E. Coli can effect health by sickening or even killing anyone who ingests it. E. Coli can effect the economy by forcing recalls on certain products thus the company will lose the money they spent making that product.
Supporting Facts According to the Center for Disease Control, E. Coli is one of the top 5 foodborn illnesses that result in hospitalization. In 2008 alone there were 214 hospitalizations and 3 deaths. According to the Center for Disease Control, E. Coli infections decreased by 44% due to an organization called FoodNet that began active surveillance for food born diseases.
Making a Difference We can make a difference by being careful of how our food is prepared. One very important thing we can do is to tell other people how dangerous E. Coli is and how to avoid it. Another way we can make a difference is by trying to keep where we make and prepare our food as clean as possible.
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