Quiz Poland
Kissing womens' hands In Poland man greets with women: a) shake hands with her b) kiss her palm c) turn on his head
Poland is the only country where men kiss women's hands upon meeting. woman should give her hand to be shaked, but if she notices that the man is going to kiss it, she should lightly lift a palm, so that the partner wouldn't have to bend too much. Men should not carry women's hands to their own lips. Men should not kiss women's hands in the streets or parks, it can be done only in closed spaces
Drinking coffee with a friend, colleague at home Pole drinks coffee with friends: a) at home b) in a café c) at work
Giving presents to one another at Christmas time Pole on Christmas: a) gives presents to family b) expects presents from his employer c) doesn 't attach importance of presents
Gift-giving custom: Christams gift-giving custom was introduced in the middle of ninteenth century, and became the tradition very fast. In the old days only kings and powerful people used to give presents to their courtiers. The custom of giving presents for kids was common in the middle of ninteenth century. In Poland presents are brought by Santa Clause.
Christmas Eve in Polish houses: Polish celebrate Christmas Eve: a) at home b) they do not celebrate Christmas Eve c) they go on holidays during Christams
Christmas tree: Christmas tree - spruce or fir – has been decorated in Poland for over 200 years. Earlier, people used sheves, straw and hay to decorate christmas tables and rooms. Many years ago before Christmas Eve, people used to put sheves in both peasant farms and baronial houses. In memory of the stable of Bethlehem, where Jesus Christ was born, floors were padded with straw. Nowadays, people put little hay under the christmas tablecloth.
Christmas Eve in Polish houses: Polish celebrate Christmas Eve: a) at home b) they do not celebrate Christmas Eve c) they go on holidays during Christams Eve
Christmas Eve Wigilia, is an important part of the Polish Christmas and it is deeply-rooted in Polish houses. The custom dates back to seventeeth century, but one assumes, that it was practised much earlier. Polish celebrate with at least 12 different dishes like: poppy, peas, cabbage, fish (especially carp), dried fruit etc. All dishes must be vegetarian, without meat and animal fat. A traditional food found in Poland is Oplatek which is a piece of bread pressed with a holy picture on the surface. Sharing Opłatek as the symbol of love and reconciliation it strictly Polish tradiotion This custom has probably a noble descent and dates back to seventeeth century. Opłatki were baked in churches and cloisters, where they pured unleavened wheat – flour cake into iron baking molds. Hand crafted decorations from flakes were hung under the ceiling and above the christmas table. They were hung to protect people and their property from evil and provide happiness and prosperity in the next year.
Giving presents to the hostess/host when paying a visit to other people Pole going to visit someone: a) takes a present for host, b) expects present from host
Sending Christmas and name-day cards Pole on occasion of various feasts sends: a) e- mails, b) traditional postcards, c) SMS
Christmas cards The custom of sending Christmas cards by post started in Poland more than a hundred years ago. At the beginning people sent black and white pieces of cartons. There was an address at one side and wishes on the other side. Shortly after those cards, hand painted cards appeared on the market. We have noticed renaissance of this custom recently.
Giving pompous wedding parties Polish tradition is: a) to organize weddings in family midst b) to organize sumptuous and festive wedding c) to not organize wedding
Wedding traditions: Bride is wearing something borrowed or old Married couple is sprinkled with husked rice or small coins The groom carries the bride through the doorstep of the wedding room Married couple shares the wedding cake Oczepiny takes place at midnight Wedding guests sing festive songs Poprawiny are organized the day after wedding
Receiving unexpected guests Pole entertains an unexpected guest : a) unwillingly, b) doesn 't entertain an unexpected guest c) always entertains an unexpected guest
„ Gość w dom, Bóg w dom”, Polish hospitability is also fostered as our typical tradition. We also have a typical Polish adage „ Gość w dom, Bóg w dom”, which means that we welcome everyone who visits us. Polish will invite you to his house, where you will get a plentiful dinner – broth with pasta and pork chop with cabbage. The foreigner will be welcomed with pleasure.
Tradition of visiting the house by neighbours, where the child was born House where was just baby born is: a) evading by neighbors b) visiting by neighbors