NATIONAL POLL April 24-27, 2014 N=1,960 Likely Voters #140404
2 RD Now, generally speaking, would you say that things in the country are going in the right direction, or have they pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong track? WT TotalBy PartyBy Age RDWTRDWTRDWTRDWTRDWTRDWTRDWT NATION OFF ON WRONG TRACK. YOUNG VOTERS & DEMS ARE DRIVING FORCE OF LIMITED OPTIMISM.
3 And, do you approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing as President? OBAMA DEEPLY INVERTED AMONG INDS. HOWEVER, YOUNG VOTERS VIEW HIM POSITIVELY. TotalBy PartyBy Age ApDsApDsApDsApDsApDsApDsApDsApDs
4 Do you believe that the Obama Administration has done a good job running the federal government? OBAMA ADMINISTRATION MIRED IN A CRISIS OF COMPETENCY AND HONESTY. MAJORITY BELIEVE ADMINISTRATION INFRINGES ON CIVIL LIBERTIES. YesNoYesNoYesNo Do you think the Obama Administration has been honest with the American people about what is happening in the federal government? Do you think the Obama Administration is infringing on the civil liberties of American citizens?
5 Education Immigration Reform Health Care Federal Budget Deficit and Debt Jobs/Unemployment The Economy Medicare and Social Security Foreign Policy Energy Policy LOOKING AT BALLOT AMONG THOSE WHO CONSIDER EACH ISSUE “THE TOP PRIORITY”… Thinking about the same list of issues, how high of a priority do you think each one should be for the federal government over the next six months before the 2014 Congressional elections? Should it be… The top priority, One of the top priorities, A mid-level priority, …or… Not a priority? DEMGOP 39%42% 37% 36%44% 31%55% 44%36% 50%30% 35%44% 31%49% 41%35% “Top”“One of Top” Generic Preference among “Top”
6 REPUBLICANS ARE MAINTAINING A SLIGHT EDGE IN GENERIC SENATE PREFERENCE THANKS TO SLIGHTLY MORE-COALESCED BASE, INDIES ARE EVEN. DEM And, when you think about the upcoming 2014 elections for U.S. Senate happening in some states, which is your preference for the outcome of the election? Is it… GOPDEMGOPDEMGOPDEMGOPDEMGOP TotalBy Party R+4R+2
7 Sup Will your vote this November for federal offices such as U.S. Senate and U.S. House be a vote to… Send a signal of support for President Obama, Send a signal of opposition to President Obama, OR Not send a signal either way about President Obama? Opp * “Competitive Senate States” based on all states considered Lean or Toss-up by Cook Political Report. No Sig. SupOpp No Sig. SupOpp No Sig. TotalsBy Party SupOpp No Sig. SupOpp No Sig. Opp No Sig. VOTERS IN COMPETITIVE SENATE STATES ARE INDICATING THEY ARE LESS LIKELY TO SEND A SIGNAL ON OBAMA WITH THEIR VOTE.
8 AMONG GENERIC UNDECIDED, ONLY 42% SAY THEY WILL VOTE TO SEND A SIGNAL TO OBAMA. Right Direction Among Voters Undecided on Generic Senate Control (20% of Sample): Wrong Track ApproveDisapproveSupportOpposition Mood of CountryObama Job ApprovalVote to send a signal of ________ for/to President Obama
10 Please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of… The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Fav Sample A: Lois Lerner Sample B: Lois Lerner, the former IRS employee accused of wrongfully targeting conservative groups for additional scrutiny from the IRS based on their political beliefs Previous Poll Conducted March Image: Tom Steyer INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE FAIRLY UNPOPULAR. LOIS LERNER BETTER KNOWN/LESS LIKED THAN TOM STEYER (PREV. POLL) EVEN BEFORE DESCRIPTION. UnfavFavUnfavFavUnfavFavUnfav
11 UnfvFavUnfv TotalBy PartyBy Ideology Sample B: Lois Lerner w/Description Sample A: Lois Lerner FavUnfvFavUnfv FavUnfv LOIS LERNER AMONG KEY DEMOS… 54% Very Unfav 37% Very Unfav * “Competitive Senate States” based on all states considered Lean or Toss-up by Cook Political Report. Competitive Senate States Generic Senate Undecided
12 Do you think the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has done a good job in fulfilling their mission to administer the tax code? IRS DOES NOT GET GLOWING SCORE ON FULFILLING MISSION, AND FULLY TWO-THIRDS SAY IRS SHOULD NOT HAVE A ROLE ADMINISTERING OBAMACARE. Yes Do you believe that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) should have a role in administering the 2010 health care law, sometimes called ObamaCare? NoYesNo
13 A government investigation recently revealed that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has paid over $2.8million in bonuses to employees with recent disciplinary problems, including over $1million to workers who owed back taxes. The report says that this is inconsistent with the IRS mission to enforce tax laws. Knowing this, do you have a more favorable or a less favorable impression of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)? NEWS OF IRS “SCANDAL” RECEIVED WITH NEGATIVITY. NOTE LITTLE PARTISAN DIFFERENCE, BUT SOME PUSHBACK FROM YOUNGER VOTERS. Less Fav More Fav Less Fav Less Fav Less Fav More Fav Less Fav More Fav Less Fav Less Fav Less Fav TotalBy PartyBy Age
14 HAVING SENT A LETTER TO IRS ON TARGETING (MERKLEY, SHAHEEN, FRANKEN) HAS MESSAGE POTENTIAL, SIGNIFICANT INTENSITY. More Likely TotalBy PartyGeneric Senate Undecided In the summer of 2013, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) came under fire for improperly targeting conservative groups for additional scrutiny and delays based on their ideological leanings. It recently came to light that a group of Democratic U.S. Senators sent a letter to the IRS in March of 2012 encouraging this type of action. If one of these Senators represented your state, would you be more likely or less likely to vote for their re-election having learned this? Less Likely More Likely Less Likely More Likely Less Likely 45% Much Less 25% Much Less 46% Much Less 66% Much Less 40% Much Less