CNIT101 Sedoris Ferguson Forrest Choy Aashis Karki Carlos Alcantar Jin Bin Sommarat Suwanpangpan Ming Yu Xu
Question : 1 Small Law Firm You are hired by a small law firm of two attorneys and one legal secretary. The firm specializes in criminal law, meaning the security of their data is a high priority. What is the best kind of networking for this client ?
Network Structure Peer to Peer/Workgroup CLIENT SERVER
Peer to Peer/Workgroup No dedicated server. Less expensive. Easy to install and maintain. Good file, printer, and CD-ROM sharing.
Peer-to-Peer A star network contains a single, centralized hub or switch through which all the devices in the network communicate.
Network Connection Cable modem for the internet Shielded Copper twisted pair Least expensive Foil shielding protects against electromagnetic interference and prevents signal detection and interception. Easy to work with and install Both Analog and digital data transmission If a portion of a twisted-pair cable is damaged, the entire network is not shut down as it may be the case with coaxial cable.
Question : 2 Paolo Capital is a venture Capital Company that provides money to startups and other companies that need money and in return they get a piece of those companies. They have offices in San Francisco USA, London England and Rome Italy. They have about 45 employees in each location and need to connect those three networks.
Solution Each office will have 50 available work stations set up in a full mesh topology for the ultimate in fault tolerance. The full mesh topology using Cat 6 cabling will be cabled into a 60 port switch A printer will also be attached to each switch Each locations switch will have a router ported into it ready to send and receive data in and out from the Internet but first…
Continued… Each router will have a firewall on the outside of it armed with protocols that allow only authentic and authorized packets to pass through. In the Case of the Rome location it will house the client server for the three offices The Rome client server will be attached to the Switch in the Rome office Also Satellite communication can be used if there is a problem with the wired backbones of the Internet or in any one of the buildings.
Mesh inside each office WAN and Full Mesh WAN
Question : 3 You have been approached by a major San Francisco law firm that is moving to a brand new high-rise building downtown. They want you to take care of their networking. What kind of network will you suggest for them and how should they connect to each other. They will have two hundred employees at the new location. You are part of a team of consultants.
Fiber Optic connection Use Fiber optic wire to transfer data Faster speed into internet connection Secure than wireless(more safe) Most effective Flexible Lower power consumption
Network Switch multi-port (Up to 48 ports each switch) additional features - ability to route packets.
Central Servers Provide IT hosting, IP connectivity, and managed services Secure Keeps data together
Client server Share printer Download file, sent data, and spreadsheet
Question: 4 You are part of a team of consultants. You have been hired by a national organization, which will be holding its annual meeting in San Francisco in Moscone Center. There will be several hundred people attending and many of them will be using laptops. They need networking so that they could communicate with each other. What is the best solution for them?
Wireless Wireless networking is used to meet many needs. Perhaps the most common use is to connect laptop users who travel from location to location. Wireless technology releases us from copper wires. A user can have a notebook computer, PDA, Pocket PC, Tablet PC, or just a cell phone and stay online anywhere a wireless signal is available.
Wireless communication is the transfer of information between two or more points that are not connected by an electrical conductor. Wireless operations permit services, such as long-range communications, that are impossible or impractical to implement with the use of wires.
The following situations justify the use of wireless technology: To span a distance beyond the capabilities of typical cabling, To provide a backup communications link in case of normal network failure, To link portable or temporary workstations To overcome situations where normal cabling is difficult or financially impractical, or To remotely connect mobile users or networks.
Wireless Hardware Wireless Routers Wireless Repeaters
Wireless Routers A wireless router is a device that performs the functions of a router but also includes the functions of a wireless access point. It is commonly used to provide access to the Internet or a computer network.
Wireless Repeaters A wireless repeater (also called wireless range extender) takes an existing signal from a wireless router or access point and rebroadcasts it to create a second network. A wireless repeater is used to bridge the gap. It also can be a specialized stand alone computer networking device.