Genesis Week 12 – A Blessing Before I Die Then Jacob called his sons and said, “Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you what shall happen to you in days to come.” Gen 49:1 Text: Gen 48:1 – 50:26
A Suitable Conclusion Israel is about to die. Retraces out promises for offspring Recalls Great Nation promise God made to Israel at Bethel/Luz in 48:4 Recalls Land promise 48:21-22 – How is blessing of land passed on to Joseph and his sons? Ephraim placed ahead of Manessah What famous Israelite leader was an Ephraimite? – 1 Chr 7: 48:8-22 – How is the blessing passed from Israel to Joseph? Via adoption of Ephraim and Manasseh Why not bless Joseph?
Blessing the Kids – Gen 49 Leah Zilpah (L’s Slave)Rachael Bilhah (R’s Slave)Israel’s Blessings 1Reuben 1 st born but not preeminent, Unstable, Defiled father’s bed with Bilhah 2Simeon Weapons of violence, Killed men & abused animals, Cruel Anger, divide & scatter 3Levi 4Judah Praise, conquer enemies, Scepter until tribute comes to him, rich, purple garments, 5Dan Judge of his people, aggressive serpent/viper in the way, left out of 144K in Rev, 1 st to plunge Israel into idolatry (Jud 1:16-20) 6Naphtali Doe to bear beautiful fawns, Possibly a fast runner “a doe set free” 7Gad David’s Favorite Tribe – The ORIGINAL Raiders 8Asher Rich food, delicacies 9Issachar Strong donkey, Hard Worker, Name sounds like “Hired” since he was the product of mandrakes 10Zebulun Beach dweller, haven for ships 11Dinah 12Joseph Fruitful bough, persistent in face of adversity, strong & agile, 13Benjami n Ravenous wolf, devouring prey in AM and dividing spoil in afternoon
Death of Israel 49:28-33 – Shift of focus from blessing of offspring to blessing of land 49:29-32 – Jacob’s burial place
Cave of the Patriarchs (In Hebron) Structure built by Herod in 1 st Century
Caves of Macpelah in Hebron Video (25 mins)
Burial of Israel & Reaction 50:1-14 – Permission & Procession 50:15-18 – How do Joseph’s brothers react to Israel’s burial? 50:19-20 – How does an understanding of God’s providence help Joseph to deal with his brothers?
Death of Joseph 50:22 – How old was he at his death? 110 Saw his Great Great Grand Kids 50:24 – Joseph is 110 and the yougest. Yet, he is still talking to his brothers. They must be >110 years old! 50:25 – Made the sons of Israel swear to take his bones to Canaan when they leave Egypt…fulfilled in Exodus 13:19 and buried at Shechem Josh 24:32.
Gospel Glimpses Judah – “scepter shall not depart” In whom was this fulfilled? Judah? – No. He did not rule. King Saul? – 1 Sam 9:21 – NO, he was a Benjamite David? – Partially, his sons, and their descendants ruled Israel until Israel was no more Jesus? – Rom 1:1-5 – YES, also of tribe of Judah? Rom 15:18, 16:26 Jesus is King of Kings Jesus is the obedience of the Nations Scepter shall not depart forever and ever
Wait, There’s More! Summary Week 13 Genesis Tied Up Theories on the Historical Joseph Week 14 I don’t know yet.