Lesson 5
Formula in the Lessons Personal preparation Active service
Quarter Overview
Outline 1.The “Kingdom of God” (Luke 1:76) 2.Witnessing instructions (Matt. 10). 3.Who to witness to (Matt. 10:5, 6; 28:19). The original disciples received witnessing instructions based on timeless principles. They work just as well today when properly understood and applied.
“The Kingdom is at Hand” The disciples had a hard time under- standing the “kingdom.” Two Old Testament pictures of the Messiah King – Gen. 49 “Jacob” Suffering – Isa. 53
“The Kingdom is at Hand” The disciples had a hard time under- standing the “kingdom.” John 1: – Recognize Jesus as messiah 27 AD Matt. 4:18; Luke 5 Called to full-time discipleship Two years John 6:69 Crisis in Galilee One year
“The Kingdom is at Hand” The disciples had a hard time under- standing the “kingdom.” Six months training No public ministry Matt. 16:13 First time called the Messiah 6 months6-9 months
Sunday “The Kingdom is at Hand” The disciples had a hard time under- standing the “kingdom.” Five “nows” the disciples had to learn: 1.Now... 2.Now... 3.Now... 4.Now... 5.Now...
Sunday “The Kingdom is at Hand” Statements relating to the “kingdom” 1.Martin Luther King: “I have seen the promised land” 2.John the Baptist: “The kingdom of God is at hand.” 3.“Kingdom age” theology: The rule of God on earth is defined as control of all social institutions.
Monday Missionary Instructions Matt 10 What does “wise as serpents and harmless of doves” mean? Why did the disciples only go to fellow Jews? How to you account for the miracles performed by the disciples? What kind of reception might they expect?
Tuesday Jews and Gentiles THE big problem in most of the New Testament. How do you coordinate Matt. 10:5,6 with Matt. 28:18-20? What is “cultural sensitivity?” Why were the Jews “first to hear the message of God?”
Wednesday A Holistic Ministry Matt. 10:7,8 Luke 4:18,19
Thursday Do Not Be Afraid Afraid of whom? Matt. 10:22 Paul: 2 Corinthians 6:3-10 How does Paul end this review of his missionary activity?
Putting It All Together Jesus teaching of the disciples: Their personal preparation? Their active service?