ASSAULT RIFLE 5.56 mm PMC-01 Compatible with the 5.56 NATO standard. Weapon operations: Operation: - by gas and piston Feed: - magazine (30 rounds) Regulation of fire: - single shot - automatic in bursts - controlled 3-round bursts Mechanism position: - fired from closed breach Ejection: - forward to right Recommended cyclic rate rds/min. AHEAD Artillery ammunition based on the AHEAD concept (Advanced Hit Efficiency And Destruction), equipped with high kinetic energy submunitions and a miniature electronic warhead, programmed when the projectile leaves the barrel. Time setting for fuse initiation is done by a ballistic computer which uses data from fire guidance equipments connected to the cannon. PROXIMITY AND TIME FUSES In the last years the MTA’s specialists designed and developed an entire family of electronic warheads: proximity and time fuses for rockets, proximity fuses for aviation bombs, time fuses for mortar bombs and proximity fuses for artillery. Accessories like fuse setting devices and power supplies (chemical batteries) are also some of the results from the research. UNCONVENTIONAL ANTI-FIRE SYSTEM The system is designed to fight fire inside buildings by launching rockets from: individual position (0 – 5 m height); vehicles (5-40m height); airborn position (>40m height) Expomil 2009 International Defense Exhibition Bucharest, Romania November 2009 MINISTRY OF NATIONAL DEFENCE Military Technical Academy Bucharest, George Cosbuc Avenue Code Phone: Fax : TESTBED FOR AUTONOMOUS AND INTELLIGENT VEHICLES Testbed for autonomous and intelligent vehicles, designed and developed by students during the robotics laboratory. The testbed is used by students for developing skills for programming intelligent vehicles. The testbed has a flexible and modular design with high level of manoeuvrability and versatility.
FILTER WITH DIELECTRIC ZST RESONATOR The dielectric resonators inside our microstrip type pass-band filters are made from materials with high relative electric permittivity (in case of ZST r = 35,5), with cylindrical shape and various dimensions (diameter, height). Experiments with different variants of filters on the 10 GHz central frequency allowed a pass-band around MHz and an attenuation in the pass-band of less than 1 dB. MICROWAVE INTERDIGITAL FILTER The filter is the pass-band type, designed for data transmission in the I band (8-12 GHz), with an attenuation of less than 3 dB inside the pass- band and more than 40 dB in the rest of the frequency domain. The filter has applications in the area of public communications systems, in security communications systems, in sensor networks and in integrated measurement systems. ABSORBING PANEL FOR MICROWAVES The absorbing panels for microwaves are designed to mask ground based military or civilian objectives by reducing the radar cross section in case of radar scanning in the G - J (4-18 GHz) bands. They can be made in different multilayer variants, with reflection properties dependent on the nature and structure of the materials. DUAL-PURPOSE HE WARHEAD FOR 122 MM M21OF ROCKET PROJECTILE The dual-purpose warhead is designed as a replacement for the old HE warhead of the M21OF Rocket projectile. The new warhead has both antipersonnel and armor piercing capabilities. It is fitted with a proximity fuse, hence increasing the efficiency by 5-7 times. COMMUNICATION SYSTEM ADAPTED TO THE DISTURBED ATMOSPHERIC SIDE The testing equipment in photo is able to reproduce controlled disturbances like those of the real atmosphere. We studied how various disturbances of atmosphere affect the data transmission parameters, by using various signals in view of data transmission. We are looking for viable solutions to counteract on these disturbances, mainly those related to the bit error rate. SPIRAL OF ARCHIMEDE WIDE BAND TYPE ANTENNA The Spiral of Archimede microstrip type antenna can be used in various applications like electronic warfare receiver sets, airborne radioaltimeters, proximity fuses for rockets and bombs, radar systems for underground mines and object detection. It was tested in the 6-18 GHz band obtaining the input impedance 50 and the wide of plane antenna pattern less than 60 degrees in any plane section. KOCH FRACTAL TYPE ANTENNA The microstrip type antenna based on the KOCH fractal square model improves the performance of equipments that use the MHz GSM bands, for communication, alarm and surveillance and RFID systems. The results of the experiments sustain our research in the field. SIERPINSKI FRACTAL TYPE ANTENNA The microstrip type antenna based on the SIERPINSKI fractal linear model is designed to improve the capabilities of equipment used in the 1800 MHz GSM band, for communications systems, alarm and surveillance systems, RFID systems. The results of the experiments sustain our research in the field.