Introduction to 1 st Peter The Reality and Rewards of Your Salvation
1 st Peter The Book: It has been called pre-eminently an epistle of hope; but it is also an epistle of courage It was written by an apostle It was written about 65 A.D. It was written to pilgrims It was written from Babylon
1 st Peter The Author: Peter was a moving power of eloquence, as indicated by his sermons (Acts 2) Peter was a man of great physical strength (John 21:8) Peter has a very close association with Jesus
1 st Peter Events prior to the crucifixion Walked on the water Displayed a deep loyalty to Jesus Protested the crucifixion He was among three that witnessed Gethsemane transfiguration raising of Jairus’ daughter
1 st Peter Events relating to Jesus last days He boasted of future faithfulness He cut off the ear of high priest’s servant He followed “afar off” during great danger He denied the Lord three times
1 st Peter Events following the Resurrection He saw the risen Lord before other apostles He confessed his love for Jesus three times He was charged to “feed” and “tend” sheep
1 st Peter Events following the Ascension He preached the first gospel sermon He took the lead with Ananias and Sapphira He was asked for support preaching to Gentiles He was inconsistent in eating with Gentiles He was crucified upside down
Similar passages in 1 st Peter and the Gospels Topic1 st PeterGospels Obedience1:1,2Mat 7:2ff Blood of Christ2:24Mat 26:26 New Birth1:23John 3:3,5 Godly Life2:12Mat 5:16 Suffering for Christ3:14Mat 5:10 Baptism3:21Mark 16:16 End Things4:7Luke 21:32 Reproached for Christ4:14Mat 5:11 Watchfulness5:8Luke 12:45
1 st Peter 1:1,2 Peter an apostle …. To the pilgrims He made no effort to be pre-eminent Pilgrims in a strange land According to His foreknowledge Through the sanctification of the Spirit For the goal of obedience and cleansing
1 st Peter 1:3-5 Blessed be the God and Father of Christ Resurrection validates power of God, John 3:16 Resurrection is proof of authority, Rom 1:4 Jews’ concept of a Messiah died, Mat 27:39-43 Gentiles’ expectation failed, Eph 2:12 Apostles’ hope revitalized, Luke 24:21 Disciples’ hope centered on heaven, John 14:1-13 Unfaithful have no hope, Matt 25:1-13
1 st Peter 1:6-9 In this you greatly rejoice…. Prove the genuineness of our faith Give praise, honor, and glory, 2 Thess 1:10 Experience joy based on hope Receive the end of our faith, 2 Thess 1:7
1 st Peter 1:10-12 Of this salvation the prophets have inquired Old Testament prophets promised it, Neh 9:30 What and where is revealed, Isa 3:7-8, Acts 8:30-37 Prior testimony is now reported in the gospel People now receive blessings of the gospel Reaffirms God’s concern for man, Heb 2:16