Introduction – 1 Co.10 The fear expressed in 9:27 recalls the example of fearless Israelites (10:1-13)  Presumed on their liberties and fell into idolatry.


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction – 1 Co.10 The fear expressed in 9:27 recalls the example of fearless Israelites (10:1-13)  Presumed on their liberties and fell into idolatry  Illustrates danger of idolatry; idol- feasts are idolatry (14-22)  Idol meats are harmless except when someone mentions their connection to idols (10:23-11:1)

Baptism into Moses (10:2) Rescued Rescued from bondage of Pharaoh Brought Brought under leadership of Moses Buried Buried in the cloud and sea Raised Raised to enter a new covenant Marked Marked as God’s people (1:13)  Ex.14:30

Unapproved Examples (10:1-11) The facts: Israelites sinned (1-5) Unapproved examples (6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)  Lust, 6  Lust, 6. Ro.1:24; 6:12; 13:13; 1 Co.5  Idolatry, 7  Idolatry, 7. 5:10-11; 6:9; 2 Co.6:6  Sexualimmorality, 8  Sexual immorality, 8. 5:1; 6:18; 7:2  Tempt Christ, 9  Tempt Christ, 9. 8:12  Complaining, 10  Complaining, Co.10-13

Sacrifice to demons, 10:20 * Greeks: demi-god, a minor deity (between God and men) *Some were spirits of dead heroes, deified *Others of supernatural origin (= angels) *They might be good or evil *Idolatry was demon-worship Eating L. S. fellowships the Lord… Jews ate sacrifice of altar, fellowship God Eating idol sacrifices fellowships demons

It’s not just me, 10:23 God saves us individually He does not leave us in isolation We have no right to think only of ourselves  Jesus: Mt.17:24-27  Paul: 1 Co.9:19-22

Applications: 10:16-11:1 Do not eat at idol-feasts (10:16-24) Permitted to eat meat from market (10:25-26) May eat meat at non-ceremonial dinners (10:27)...  unless someone draws attention to the meat (10:28-11:1)