The Bill of Rights Declaration of Independence leads to Bill of Rights Declaration of Independence leads to Bill of Rights Mrs. Deller LA 5
Amendment I Congress cannot make any laws which create an official federal religion or which keep people from practicing the religion of their choice. They also cannot make laws that restrict speech/expression or the media. They cannot restrict the right to gather peacefully, and they cannot prevent people from demanding compensation from the government.
Amendment I Freedom of Speech Dearborn Teen and free speech Freedom of the Press Terry Jones
Amendment II People have the right to own weapons and carry them, since an organized military force is a requirement for the security of a free nation.
Amendment II, cont’d Bowling for Columbine Trailer Have you seen this movie before? What are your thoughts on people’s right to bear arms?
Amendment III The government cannot keep any soldiers in your house in peacetime, unless you agree to it. In war time, they can only do so according to regulations laid out by the laws.
Amendment IV People's bodies, dwellings, documents and belongings shall be protected unless a warrant is issued. Warrants may only be issued when there is a good reason to do it and that reason is supported by the sworn word of someone reputable. The place to be searched and the items to be seized must be identified in the warrant. Unreasonable Search and Seizure
Amendment V In order to be tried for a capital or other serious crime, a grand jury must be convened; an exception to this is in the military during a time of war. Nobody can be tried for the same offence more than once. Nobody must testify against him or herself (“pleading the 5 th ”). Everybody is entitled to "due process" of law. If the government wants to seize your property for public use, they must compensate you.
Amendment VI Criminal defendants have the right to a speedy*, public trial by jury. The trial should be located in the same area in which the crime was committed. People have the right to know the crime of which they are being accused. They have the right to know who is accusing them and be in the courtroom with them. They can provide witnesses to help defend them. They have the right to an attorney. *Speedy trial = Habeas Corpus Act = You must be taken in front of a judge and charged with a crime within 72 hours or they must release you.
Amendment VI, cont’d Know the Charges Have a Lawyer
Amendment VII In civil cases ( tort cases (personal injury mostly), breach of contract, debt collection, divorce, probate, foreclosure, adoptions, name change, etc.) with a value of over twenty dollars, the case must be heard in front of a jury. Also, no case can be retried in a different court except according to laws governing that action.
Amendment VIII Extreme sums of bail or fines are illegal, and cruel and unusual punishments are prohibited Mandatory life in prison for teens = “cruel and unusual” 40-Year-Old Virgin Clip
Amendment IX Just because a right isn't listed in the Constitution doesn't mean the people don't have that right. Other Rights Not Mentioned
Amendment X Any power not given to the United States belongs to the state or local governments, except those powers not allowed to the state or local governments here in the Constitution. States Rights