Web 2.0 tools in Education Getting the message across…………………………
Introduction Discuss web 2.0 tools and services and how has it come about Demonstrate examples of social software Go to What is mlearning ? Show examples of mobile devices Demonstrate how social software integrates with mobile devices Practical task Moblogging Participants will send or moblog image files and audio files to a blog site and account Discussion -wrap up Workshop time2learn
OTEN TAFE NSW Connectivism, Constructivism and Behaviourism…that is the question! How are learning theories impacted when knowledge is no longer acquired in the linear manner? What adjustments need to be made with todays learning theories when technologies performs many of the cognitive operations previously performed by learners (information storage and retrieval)? How can we as educators continue to stay current in a rapidly evolving information ecology? 2.Development of ePortfolios…is that the answer? The use of Web 2.0 services to produce evidence-based assessment for continuing formal and informal learning in the workplace
Open source social software is Free Readily available to most students who have access to an internet browser Commonly used social software currently used are: Blogs RSS Aggregator BloglinesBloglines Wiki Audioblogging/Moblogging Flickr Social bookmarking – Del.icio.usDel.icio.us Commonly used software tools
Blog Wiki Social Bookmarks Blog Finder- How to get feeds into your Blog using RSS aggregator or RSS reader How to search for feeds using RSS directories to add to your blog How to tag your images tagging Folksonomies Connectivism Types of Web 2.0 Services
Central Wiki space for knowledge sharing amongst teams in the project. Property Trainees Blog TVET blog TVET HSC Blog Sandra's blog TVET students, Tags & RSS to podcasts. Tools 4 Skools TVET students tags with flickr, de.li.cio.usde.li.cio.us Del.icio.us RSS aggregator TVET Wiki Central Blog ConnecTVETy Tags all the blogs in the project using de.li.ci.ous.com and will have RSS feeds to other blogs Wiki Property Trainee Wiki Anthony's Blog Anthonys learnscope program Social Bookmarking Property students Chat Blog lines Wiki site
Practical task - using 3g Motorola mobile phone How to send (or moblog) image files and audio files to a blog site: eg. your account: eg. Workshop time2learn Moblogging
Workshop time2learn Sending an image to a blog……………….
First select Pictures icon 3. Use the Select button to accept this icon 1.Press in the centre button 2. Use the arrow to move to the icon SelectExit Motorola L6 gsm How to moblog an image
In Pictures find the Movie Icon Select camera icon using the and then press the button. Only when ready press …
How to send via MMS Capture image and using the select button choose Discard Store Select Button
Sending your evidence to the Assessors Store Options Send in Message Then press Select Scroll down using your downward arrow and search for WSIT to place a tick in the box next to WSIT Then press using the select button underneath
Workshop time2learn How to send an audio file to a blog…………
Go to Menu to (envelope icon) select Select new voice message when ready Press (and speak) Press Select (find in contacts) WSIT Web 2.0 Service – Moblog.co.uk Using Voice Messaging 3g Motorola
Workshop time2learn Now send an audio file and an image to your account You will have to add yourself under new contacts and input your address.
Findings Discuss within your group your views about using web 2.0 services especially for assessment in the workplace Q: What do you see as the pros and cons of evidence-based assessment using mobile technology in the so called connected era? Visit Blogplanet
LTU will be looking for EOI from teaching sections who wish to explore web 2.0 tools in 2008 Possibilities to consider in your teaching section Providing student support tools and resources in a simple, easy to use format New ways of delivering our courses in a cost effective and timely manner that offers more flexibility to teachers and learners Assist disengaged students to become part of a learning community thus increasing retention and completion rates
Increasing teachers awareness of Web 2.0 and open source social software applications in education Up-skilling teachers in using web 2.0 software Appropriate usage of social software tools in your teaching practice Embedding new ways of engaging with students using web 2.0 ICVETs Approach to Web2.0 and Social Software in VTE Where to now…..