Delegation, 24 April 2008 Converging Technologies OTEN Learning Support Site (OLS) for Online Distance Learners Paula E. Williams A/CEO Learning Technologies Unit (LTU) Open Training & Education Network (OTEN) TAFE NSW - WSI
Delegation, 24 April 2008 Background information OTEN is the major DE provider in TAFE NSW 38,000 distance education students 50% located in Sydney metropolitan area 50% in regional NSW, Australia and OS predominantly in the age group mostly studying part-time 3,000 students studying online (7.8%)
Delegation, 24 April 2008 Key Supporting Technologies OTEN Learning Support (0LS) site uses the Internet to support all DE students not just those studying online.(April 2002) 24 x 7 online support & services to all students Communication tools – (broadcast) –Forums –Announcements Provision of personalised information and management Assignment interface, student results and progress off-site teachers supported and provision of documents Managed using a devolved model
Delegation, 24 April 2008 Delivery model Continuous enrolment (Nov. to Aug.) Self-paced learning (no classes or cohorts) Individual student management via SAM Comprehensive learning materials Online courses/modules using Janison 200 on-site and 600 off-site teachers Teacher support via OLS, phone, , letter Online support for all students via the OTEN Learning Support site (OLS)
Delegation, 24 April 2008 Student data shows OTEN growth since % use 83% surf the internet 68% have Broadband at home vs 32% with dial-up connections 68% have a mobile phone 29.5% have an mp3 player 53% are interested in more flexible modes of learning
Delegation, 24 April 2008 OTENs growth on the OLS
Delegation, 24 April 2008 OLS growth logins..
Delegation, 24 April 2008
OLS: OTEN Student Portal OLS integrated with SAM Access to Janison via OLS Access to DET SeS website Support pages for 1,500 modules Devolved management model
Delegation, 24 April 2008 Key Supporting Technologies SAM – Student Administration and Management System (staff only)SAM OTEN Web Site – public accessOTEN Web Site Online Courses – using TAFE Connect product based on the Janison platformOnline Courses
Delegation, 24 April 2008 OLS Tools and Features for Students Module level support: supplementary activities and practice assessments; FAQs; links; addendums and updates Online access to assignments and online assignment submission Teaching Section Helpdesk contact details Pathway to online learningware (Janison) Update student contact details (passed back to SAM) Access to information from SAM: eg dispatch and progress Access to TAFE NSW Student eServices TAFE past exam papers Personalised Study Planner Bulk and mail merge tools
Delegation, 24 April 2008 Student Administration and Management (SAM) Course and recognition enquiry Enrolment Dispatch Progress Teacher Courseware Planning Employee Distribution and Stock Control Security
Delegation, 24 April 2008 What our students want Easy access to administrative information For example: - to update their contact details –dispatch information. Easy access to teachers and support staff Tools to communicate with other students Access to their assignments, anywhere, anytime And are increasingly MOBILE Learners
Delegation, 24 April 2008 What Teachers want One to many communication tools FAQs Broadcast Online forums Module level support for students Support for off-site teachers –Course newsletters –On-site teachers contact details –Marking Guides –Assessment review/validation A range of appropriate learning technologies Go to OLSOLS
Delegation, 24 April 2008 Sydney Morning Herald - 1 st October 2005 OTEN students are predominantly 24-40yrs
Delegation, 24 April 2008 Hard copy (paper-based resources/notes) CD ROM Online modules Personal Computers with access to Internet 1. - TAFE provided s, broadcast 2.OTEN Learning Support (OLS) SiteOLS) my assignments my dispatch my progress my planner OTEN distance education tools
Delegation, 24 April MP3s (iPods, nanopods) for Podcasting 2. Mobile Phones for SMS/MMS connectionSMS/MMS Moblogging/audioblogging/Moblogging video 3. Social Software (web 2.0 tools) Blogs, wikkis, RSSwikkis 4. Personal Digital Assistants MMS,Video 5. Experiential (Virtual Classrooms, Breeze ) OTEN Options for Supporting Technologies
Delegation, 24 April 2008 HOW? Currently OTEN is evaluating the following learning technologies for potential application via the OLS site: Virtual Community ToolsInterwiseInterwise, Elluminate, Didasko, Captivate, Moodle, Audacity, Centra, Breeze Digital Presentation Tools: PhotoStory 3, PhotoStory 3, Moviemaker Online Assessment Tools: Questionmark, Questionmark, Quizzler, Vetassess, Hot LavaVetassess Collaborative Tools Social Software Tools eNote Taking Tools Janison Forum, Chit Chat Wikis, BloggingWikis, Blogging, Moblogging, plone, ejournals, Audio Tools:Podcasting, Mp3, Podcasting, Mp3, Player, Audio Navigator Mobile Devices SMS/MMS Trials : iPAQ600 HP PDAs, Smart Phones, G3 Mobile phones
Delegation, 24 April 2008 Conclusion Already, new socio-economic trends have arisen along with new and emerging technologies. This will require change to educational curricula, workforce skills, new teaching and learning models, and as consequence business strategy models. …So what are your thoughts about anywhere, anytime and the m-Learner?m-Learne
Delegation, 24 April 2008 OTEN SMS Trial 2005 Hi K… Ru f3 2 c my nu car 2day or L8r on 2moro ?
Delegation, 24 April 2008 The SMS trial will give OTEN the opportunity to provide greater feedback and communication to enhance student support for personalised learningSMS LA 3459 due in 2days 1/5/05
Delegation, 24 April 2008 H i d u d e s ! C g 8 p i c o f m y l i l b r o t h e r w i t h n u i p o d g o t o M p e g + h e a r d o w n l o a d s o n m y b l o g s i t e.. MMS Audiopeg and Video Messaging …
Delegation, 24 April 2008 Students will have the choice via OLS to have messages communicated to them either by SMS/ /Post Information Delivery Motivation SMS/ /Post Future Outcome of Trial SMS Broadcast SMS From Teachers Message Data Base Message Data Base Student Administration & Management OLS PLANNER MMS Mp3 Video New OLS
Delegation, 24 April 2008
My Planner
Delegation, 24 April 2008 Its NO use his mobile isnt switched on! …. M mmm Learning …anywhere, anytime!