Network programming ( online course ) Jen-Yi Pan 20131002.


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Presentation transcript:

Network programming ( online course ) Jen-Yi Pan

Outline  Attendance  “ 相見歡 ” Self-introduction  Grouping  Course  Summary of the day

Attendance 李威龍張晏誠吳建明劉哲安 李韋忠林登堡凃咨宸許名宏 吳昊穎李宗耀陳毅融尉遲仲涵 林原甲林家豐周永銘曾芸瑩 郭威良王維寬 1.Taking attendance by signing your name in the following grid 2.Type your English nick name beside your Chinese name

“ 相見歡 ” Self-introduction

Grouping A P D I O H C G B K F J M L E N Q R

chapter 1 5, 6 chapter 2 4, 7 chapter 3 3, 8 chapter 4 2, 9 chapter 5 1, 10, 17, 18 chapter 6 11, 16 chapter 7 12, 15 chapter 8 13, 14

Course Review (1/2)

Course Review (2/2)

Remind  Webinar  How can mobile operators realize the benefits of their LTE- Advanced deployments? Tuesday 8th October 2013 at 4pm London UK time  Digest of at least 1/3 part of webinar slides and one summary of Q&A (if available)  The students of responsible each unit raise a question to all of the participants in the “Icebreaking activities”, and published on the discussion board later, 1%.  The students of responsible each unit raise a multiple choice to make on-line quizzes, 1%.  Hw0  尉遲仲涵