FY 14 Budget Presentation September 2013 Board of Regents Meeting
Enrollment and Revenue Traditional student population base is down 10% - 50% in some regional schools. We reduced In/Out of District projections by 14%. Preliminary review suggests actual part time students increased in Fall but the average number of courses taken has decreased resulting in lower enrollment. Implementing strategic enrollment plan to utilize new marketing formats, targeted populations and recruitment processes. 2
Expenditures per FTE FTE has been trending down due to decreasing population base in region coupled with Bakken job opportunities. Increased expenditures in personnel costs due to legislative changes (TRS, PERS, Pay plan) Continued focus on student based expenditures (Instructional expense 39%, Instructional, Academic Support, Student Support, & Scholarships– 69.6%) 3
Expenditures by Program 4
Faculty and Staff Ratios Reduction of full time faculty and full time staff has resulted in lower budgeted ratios compared to prior year actuals Minimum level of service is needed to maintain services. Ratios are lower per FTE but expenditures are higher due to fixed functionality costs. 5