Civil Society Roles in Conflict Prevention: developing new partnerships for peace and security Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict Catherine Barnes, Ph.D InterAction Forum 2004 Washington DC, 19 May 2004
Overview Explore some of the key roles that civil society organisations play in preventing and transforming violent conflict Present the ‘Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict’ - and how it aims to strengthen civil society capacities in working with conflict and partnerships with the UN, regional organisations and governments.
Civil society: more than NGOs Civil Society Organisations NGOs Voluntary charities Community-based groups Etc. Business associations & cooperatives trade unions & professional associations Private foundations & donors Media: private non-profit & state Educational & research institutes GONGOs, QUANGOs & Parastatal companies Religious institutions & faith-based associations Traditional leaders & social structures Movements: social, political, environmental, solidarity Political parties & movements
Why civil society in preventing armed conflict? A vibrant & diverse civil society is a key element of structural prevention. (1) Strengthens internal cohesion, mediates social conflict & constrains arbitrary exercise of power; (2) Attempts to suppress civil society tend to provoke a struggle to meet basic human needs through other means, including violent resistance. A vibrant & diverse civil society is a key element of structural prevention. (1) Strengthens internal cohesion, mediates social conflict & constrains arbitrary exercise of power; (2) Attempts to suppress civil society tend to provoke a struggle to meet basic human needs through other means, including violent resistance. Efficacy: Within any society, these diverse groupings constitute a potentially powerful force that can mobilise either to escalate conflict or facilitate its resolution. They can do things that neither the state nor international organisations can do. Efficacy: Within any society, these diverse groupings constitute a potentially powerful force that can mobilise either to escalate conflict or facilitate its resolution. They can do things that neither the state nor international organisations can do. Ownership & sovereignty: The state belongs to its people; mobilising civil society to address problems that could generate conflict strengthens long-term social and political development. If the diverse elements within a society feel that the ‘solutions’ are legitimate, they are more likely to take responsibility for implementing them. Ownership & sovereignty: The state belongs to its people; mobilising civil society to address problems that could generate conflict strengthens long-term social and political development. If the diverse elements within a society feel that the ‘solutions’ are legitimate, they are more likely to take responsibility for implementing them.
CSO orientations to prevention Focus on policy / structural changes in the global system Aimed at responding to specific conflict situations Rooted in a specific civil society sector (e.g. faith community, trade unions, women’s associations)
Prevention at different stages in the evolution of an armed conflict Pre-crisis phase Conflict emergence Armed conflict Ceasefire / processtowardsettlementPeacebuilding & post-settlement reconstruction Escalation of tension & violence Political talks gain momentum Final accords signed; begin consolidation;peacebuilding Structural Prevention Operational Prevention Structural Prevention
CSO roles in structural prevention: addressing the root causes Addressing structural violence & promoting human security – through development, human rights monitoring & promotion, preventing environmental degradation… Addressing structural violence & promoting human security – through development, human rights monitoring & promotion, preventing environmental degradation… Making governments & state structures more responsive – through participation in political processes, policy dialogue, monitoring, advocacy campaigns, protests… Making governments & state structures more responsive – through participation in political processes, policy dialogue, monitoring, advocacy campaigns, protests… Alleviating social tensions and conflict – through challenging xenophobia & discrimination, facilitating dialogue, and promoting tolerance and a culture of peace… Alleviating social tensions and conflict – through challenging xenophobia & discrimination, facilitating dialogue, and promoting tolerance and a culture of peace… Strengthening capacities to mediate conflict and manage differences – through conflict resolution training, mediation services, education, promoting rule of law Strengthening capacities to mediate conflict and manage differences – through conflict resolution training, mediation services, education, promoting rule of law
Operational Prevention: CSO roles in the early crisis phase Early warning of emerging crises – monitoring, analysis, and communication strategies to raise awareness and generate attention Early warning of emerging crises – monitoring, analysis, and communication strategies to raise awareness and generate attention Developing options and strategies for response - formulating recommendations, engaging in policy dialogue Developing options and strategies for response - formulating recommendations, engaging in policy dialogue Mobilising political will for response – lobbying and campaigning, sensitising domestic audiences Mobilising political will for response – lobbying and campaigning, sensitising domestic audiences Taking action – Unofficial ‘diplomacy’, social dialogue, public protests… Taking action – Unofficial ‘diplomacy’, social dialogue, public protests…
CSO roles during violent conflict Humanitarian relief & support to war-affected communities Humanitarian relief & support to war-affected communities Facilitating communication and generating alternatives – Track II dialogue processes Facilitating communication and generating alternatives – Track II dialogue processes Strengthening local CSO capacities for conflict transformation & peacebuilding Strengthening local CSO capacities for conflict transformation & peacebuilding Developing & strengthening ‘constituencies for peace’ and public awareness work Developing & strengthening ‘constituencies for peace’ and public awareness work Violence reduction and monitoring; creating ‘zones of peace’ Violence reduction and monitoring; creating ‘zones of peace’
CSO roles in peacemaking Support for political negotiations and confidence building initiatives Support for political negotiations and confidence building initiatives Shaping the negotiating agenda to ensure it addresses root causes Shaping the negotiating agenda to ensure it addresses root causes Participating in the negotiations process, directly or indirectly Participating in the negotiations process, directly or indirectly Helping ‘behind the scenes’: continuing to facilitate social dialogue and Track II dialogue + good offices Helping ‘behind the scenes’: continuing to facilitate social dialogue and Track II dialogue + good offices
Preventing recurrence: CSO roles in post-settlement peacebuilding Public education & awareness-raising on the peace agreement – and consolidating support. Public education & awareness-raising on the peace agreement – and consolidating support. Facilitating the rehabilitation of war-affected relationships & communities laying the groundwork for reconciliation. Facilitating the rehabilitation of war-affected relationships & communities laying the groundwork for reconciliation. Contributing to transitional justice processes Contributing to transitional justice processes Resumption of initiatives contributing to structural prevention – encouraging good governance, reconstruction and development, mediating social conflict, promoting human rights… Resumption of initiatives contributing to structural prevention – encouraging good governance, reconstruction and development, mediating social conflict, promoting human rights…
CSOs working on conflict: special contributions Because CSOs are aware of events as they are unfolding, they can make important contributions to early warning. Because CSOs are aware of events as they are unfolding, they can make important contributions to early warning. They can act swiftly & flexibly to respond to conditions as needed, often using innovative & non-coercive strategies and quality processes to address problems. They can act swiftly & flexibly to respond to conditions as needed, often using innovative & non-coercive strategies and quality processes to address problems. CSOs can act when official actors are immobilised (often related to mandates, lack of political will or the implications conveyed by their official status). CSOs can act when official actors are immobilised (often related to mandates, lack of political will or the implications conveyed by their official status). CSOs can improve communication and relationships by fostering interaction across conflict divides. CSOs can improve communication and relationships by fostering interaction across conflict divides. By mobilising ‘people power’, CSOs can put pressure on decision-makers to reach a peaceful settlement. They can also push for policies and practices designed to address root causes of conflict. By mobilising ‘people power’, CSOs can put pressure on decision-makers to reach a peaceful settlement. They can also push for policies and practices designed to address root causes of conflict.
Partnership & respect for local ownership Partnerships are key to effective prevention. Need mechanisms & resources for interaction between CSOs, IGOs and governments to institutionalise the capacity for prevention. Need mechanisms & resources for interaction between CSOs, IGOs and governments to institutionalise the capacity for prevention. Need official acknowledgement of the legitimacy of CSOs in peace & security matters; recognition of their roles in the conflict prevention partnership. Need official acknowledgement of the legitimacy of CSOs in peace & security matters; recognition of their roles in the conflict prevention partnership. Primary responsibility for conflict prevention rests with national governments and other local actors. Greater ownership is likely to result in a more legitimate process & sustainable outcomes. The primary role of outsiders is to create spaces & support inclusive processes that enable those directly involved to make decisions about the specific arrangements for addressing the causes of conflict Build on capacities that exist. The primary role of outsiders is to create spaces & support inclusive processes that enable those directly involved to make decisions about the specific arrangements for addressing the causes of conflict Build on capacities that exist. Outsiders must avoid actions that displace & undermine homegrown initiatives or that promote short-term objectives at the expense of long-term prevention. Outsiders must avoid actions that displace & undermine homegrown initiatives or that promote short-term objectives at the expense of long-term prevention.
Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict GPPAC the convening process for July 2005 conference at UN Headquarters Initiated in response to UN Secretary-General’s Report on the Prevention of Armed Conflict (2001), where he urged NGOs to organise a conference on their role and interaction with the UN in prevention. GPPAC the convening process for July 2005 conference at UN Headquarters Initiated in response to UN Secretary-General’s Report on the Prevention of Armed Conflict (2001), where he urged NGOs to organise a conference on their role and interaction with the UN in prevention. Global partnership: 15 regional processes + ECCP (international secretariat) & NGO UN Conflict Prevention Working Group + International Steering Group Global partnership: 15 regional processes + ECCP (international secretariat) & NGO UN Conflict Prevention Working Group + International Steering Group
Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict ECCP Global Level: Building an Action Agenda for the Partnership Strategy Group 15 Regional Consultations 15 Regional Consultations Europe L. America Central Asia S.E. Asia N.Africa/ Mid.East S. Asia W. Africa S. Africa Balkans E. Africa N. America N.E. Asia W. Caucasus July 2005 Beyond 2005
Global Partnership: More than a conference… Generating social infrastructure: Stimulating forums at national, regional, and global levels creating an effective worldwide network Generating social infrastructure: Stimulating forums at national, regional, and global levels creating an effective worldwide network Developing a voice: Thousands engaged in discussion & research at national & regional level to identify issues, exchange experiences & lessons, and set priorities for ‘Action Agendas’ Developing a voice: Thousands engaged in discussion & research at national & regional level to identify issues, exchange experiences & lessons, and set priorities for ‘Action Agendas’ Increased political acceptance of the role of civil society in preventing armed conflict; strengthened mechanisms for interaction & partnership between state & non-state actors on conflict, peace & security matters for integrated approach to prevention Increased political acceptance of the role of civil society in preventing armed conflict; strengthened mechanisms for interaction & partnership between state & non-state actors on conflict, peace & security matters for integrated approach to prevention Laying the groundwork for long-term action: public education & awareness raising; strengthened operational capacities; … new capacities Laying the groundwork for long-term action: public education & awareness raising; strengthened operational capacities; … new capacities
How you can get involved Join the initiative – connect your organization with regional processes Join the initiative – connect your organization with regional processes Contribute understanding of your issue area to conflict prevention Contribute understanding of your issue area to conflict prevention Mainstream prevention principles in your organization’s work and operations Mainstream prevention principles in your organization’s work and operations Contribute financially… Contribute financially… European Centre for Conflict Prevention