9 th Grade Teacher Monday Meetings 9 th grade teachers meet with consultant, instructional coaches, and master teacher one on one during their planning time. Each teacher’s lesson plans for the week and assessments are reviewed by the team. Class syllabi were developed for each class.
Instructional Structure Board Configuration School lesson plan Monthly core pull out meetings Teacher portfolio Monthly walk through observations
Board Configuration Do Now : This should be a class starter, short writing prompt, standardized test prep questions. (5 to 10 minutes in duration) Objectives: Write your objectives for the day in student terms. Lesson steps: List the parts of your lesson for the day, with time allotments Homework: Written in a designated area on board daily.
LESSON PLAN FORMAT One standardized lesson plan used school-wide. Divided into what the teacher will do and what the student will do. Time frame with lesson steps. HOTS questions listed on plan.
MONTHLY CORE PULL OUT MEETINGS Core Departments meet monthly during the school day. Agendas vary from month to month but are all aligned with the school SIP plan. Teachers work together to align test and curriculum.
Teacher Portfolio Each teacher is responsible for a professional portfolio. Lesson plans, activities, student work and professional development are included. Portfolios are presented by the teacher to administration twice yearly and scored with a rubric.
Monthly Walk Through Observations Walk through document based on SIP activities. Administration, Instructional Coaches, and Central Office staff conduct the walk through. Observations are minutes in length. Observers check off items that are observed.
Conference is held with observers after the walkthrough to determine commendations and recommendations. Overall data is given to teachers at WFSG meetings and trends are discussed.
Patriots with a Dream Mentoring Program
Beginning (Summer) Review folders of incoming freshmen Flag at-risk students By attendance By grades By discipline
Role of the Mentor Check Attendance (daily) Grades (weekly) Parental Contact (as needed) Assist in Creating Action Plan Provide Strategies Conduct Observations Maintain Log
Role of Mentee Be Open & Receptive Attend School Participate Complete Assignments Practice PRIDE
Preparation Develop binders Training of mentors Parental contact Attendance verification Mentor/Mentee agreement Conflict Resolution Strategies Complete list of mentees & assign them to a mentor (only 3-4 per mentor)
Implementation Set up initial meeting Sign agreement Make parental contact Goal setting Student Concern Sheet
On-Going Weekly meeting Mentee’s needs Tutoring Interventions Evaluation of Goals Conflict Resolution
Who Do You Want As A Mentor? Empathetic Positive Motivating Organized Dedicated Student Advocate
CONTACT INFORMATION Principal Marilyn Schwartz Master Teacher Anne Key Instructional Coach/Mentor Program Denise Lombas Instructional Coach/Mentor Program Maria Vice