MTAC Workgroup #105 Efficient Dissemination of Addressing Related Information In Emergencies/Disasters
MTAC #105 - Charter The Workgroup Should Consider: The best ways for address related information to be communicated efficiently in cases of emergency/disaster Coordinated dissemination of information maintaining a consistency of pertinent and timely data Appropriate notifications aimed at stakeholders, including; –Large Mailers –Small Mailers –The Public Desired Results
MTAC #105 - Status Expectations –What are the workgroup members looking for from a communications process? Review of existing processes Next Steps: –Identify capabilities of meeting expectations from the current process –Define improvement opportunities RUMBA –Identify quick wins –Develop recommendations and solution First Meeting – August 2, 2006
MTAC Workgroup #105 Several meetings were held, via conference call, since the last MTAC meeting in August The workgroup was divided into four (4) Sub-groups: –Mail Owners –Service Providers –Software Providers –Logistics and Operations The meetings resulted in some very common needs/wants to improve two (2) major categories: –Communications –Restoration Process November MTAC meetings Update:
MTAC Workgroup #105 should remain as the main communication vehicle for all classes of mail, with the BSN supporting the content placed on it. Workgroup members wanted to improve visibility & provide information broken down by class of mail in their perspective sections; Standard Mail™ in its own section First-Class Mail ® in its own section Periodicals in its own section, etc. Workgroup members provided input by sub-group of what type of information needs to be displayed by class of mail and by type of information gathered (e.g. Mail owner may want different information than a service provider) Communications Recommendations
MTAC Workgroup #105 Push s ─ Specific information pushed to them from the BSN or NCSC in a timely fashion ─ USPS provide standardized embargoed ZIP™ information by class of mail so that everyone has the affected ZIPs provided to them in a.csv or similar format with a date modified by class of mail Residence Notification of embargo Restoration process needs to be defined The USPS ® needs to publish and HQ contact information for all types of parties interested in asking questions Communications Recommendations cont.
MTAC Workgroup #105 Improve current premise level Memphis 11 Digit only program… ─Suggestions include finalizing Stop Link or utilizing current Link products to provide return codes for affected areas (e.g. NCOA Link ™, DPV™, etc.) The USPS emphasizes that when a disaster occurs, this information is to be supplied for FREE and accessible. Establish a PS 3553 EMG (Emergency Form) to include some type of certification that the mail being entered has had the proper suppression method when an embargo is in effect. ─Suggestions include adding a column to the NCOA Link processing summary form indicating how many pieces from the list matched to the premise level suppression file and have been suppressed. Restoration Process
MTAC Workgroup #105 Needs to be a defined conflict resolution program ─If a client is receiving mail and wants other mail to be delivered that the USPS has flagged as undeliverable, there needs to be a way for the client and/or its representative to gain approval for that premise level to be removed from any embargoed list. Restoration Process cont.
MTAC Workgroup #105 Workgroup 105 will meet one more time as a full workgroup to go over the draft of all of the sub-groups ideas and entire proposal in November. Industry and USPS co-chairs will meet with the workgroups Industry and USPS sponsors to go over the findings. Workgroup is on schedule to sunset prior to December 31, What’s left for the Workgroup?
MTAC Workgroup #105 Workgroup 105 leaders wish to thank the following participants for their time to work on this important group: Adam Collinson (CNC), John Whittington-Barry Elliott- Bill McGlyn (Time Customer Services), Clarence Banks (RRD), Chris Lien and Paula Stoskopf (Business Objects), Jody Berenblatt & Martha Rocha (Bank of America), Derrick Miliner (GSA), EC Nix (DST Output), Gerri Harrison (Check Free), Nicholas Wolf (Discover Financial), George Rosch (Social Security Ad.), John Chambers (Veterans Ad.), James West (Williams & Sonoma), Rich Bobic (Kable Fulfillment), Sharon Harrison (AT&T), Shawn Baldwin (BCC Software), Stephen Smith (Christian Sciences), Kevin Cartin (G1/PB), Patti Mason- David West-Robin Miller-Linda Malone & Joanne Smith (USPS), Erv Drewek (Brown Printing) & David Robinson & Paul Kolvakas (Pitney Bowes), Joyce McGarvy (Crain Comm.). Participation