May08-21 Model-Based Software Development Kevin Korslund Daniel De Graaf Cory Kleinheksel Benjamin Miller Client – Rockwell Collins Faculty Advisor – Dr. Suraj Kothari
May08-21 Model-Based Software Development Component-level Testing System Testing User Testing
May08-21 Model-Based Software Development Component-Level Testing White-box unit testing of each class and method Boundary-value tests every method and verifies results Tests at the class level and lower Tests relationships between classes with mock objects All tests must pass or test suite will fail If any test does not pass, the bug will be recorded using Bugzilla Test suite will run all unit tests automatically, and be run as part of a standard software build
May08-21 Model-Based Software Development Component-Level Testing Unit tests use JUnit framework Class relationships are tested using EasyMock mock object framework Tests are run from within the Eclipse environment A special Eclipse Plug-in test launcher starts a new Eclipse environment and runs tests The test runner creates the Eclipse CDT project under test and copies relevant files in for the current test
May08-21 Model-Based Software Development Component-Level Testing Results About 15% complete Tests cover all found bugs to verify they will not happen again Creation of bug reports in Bugzilla Analysis JUnit test runner outputs total number of tests and number of passing tests Analyze percentage of passing tests 100% of tests pass right now
May08-21 Model-Based Software Development Component-Level Testing Conclusion Areas of code that pass tests match expected component behavior Additional Component-level testing is required
May08-21 Model-Based Software Development System-level Testing Subsystems to test Parser Matcher Connector Splitter Outputter
May08-21 Model-Based Software Development System-level Testing - Metrics Parser CommentedStatement lists Matcher BlockPieces BlockConnector Block list
May08-21 Model-Based Software Development System-level Testing - Metrics ModelSplitter System MdlOutput “.mdl” file output
May08-21 Model-Based Software Development System-level Testing - Procedure Subsystem output is not serializable Cannot directly save stage outputs for later use in comparisons Means subsystems cannot be tested individually Instead, save enough information from each output to be able to verify correctness Saved information is compared after each stage using JUnit while running the system as a whole
May08-21 Model-Based Software Development System-level Testing - Analysis Junit will fail on the first subsystem that fails To test subsystems that follow a failed subsystem, we can revert the code for that subsystem to a known good state On failure, JUnit will report the point of failure We can then use the Eclipse debugger to investigate the problem
May08-21 Model-Based Software Development User Testing Alpha tests Executed daily during implementation Advisor and Graduate Students also involved in Alpha test phase Beta tests Executed during project demonstration for Rockwell Collins Client
May08-21 Model-Based Software Development User Testing The operational Eclipse Plug-in will be tested by: Execution of Eclipse plug-in on C files Examine model outputted Expect model to be similar or match the model the C file was created from
May08-21 Model-Based Software Development User Testing Test Method Design models to exercise various and specific areas of the plug-in and requirements Generate C files using Real-time Workshop Execution of Eclipse plug-in on C files Equipment Real-time Workshop Eclipse
May08-21 Model-Based Software Development User Testing Results Outputted model from Eclipse plug-in Creation of bug reports in Bugzilla Analysis Manual comparison of original model to outputted model Conclusions Based on bugs found and Analysis phase
May08-21 Model-Based Software Development Component-level Testing System Testing User Testing