Supporting Talent Development at Western Dr. Peggy Roffey Director, Learning and Development The University of Western Ontario March 21, 2006
Talent Development at Western - Objectives To understand… How we make learning strategic How we assess needs What sorts of learning support we offer How we assess effectiveness
Talent Development at Western: Making Learning Strategic Vision Mission Values Outcomes Processes Skills, Knowledge, Attributes Roles and Accountabilities (for outcomes)
Talent Development at Western: Making Learning Strategic recognize that change needs leadership support the leaders support the staff support the teams build the culture incorporate this commitment into the Strategic Plan and align resources See Staff as the “energy behind the vision”—”We’ll make it happen!”
Talent Development at Western: Assessing and Meeting Needs 2000: assess HR management challenges—conversations 2000: assess leadership challenges-- conversations 2000: bring in a futurist to assess the corporate challenge 2000: respond to local requests for leadership and team development; listen 2000: Establish a Leadership Advisory Team (now called OD Team)
Talent Development at Western: Assessing and Meeting Needs 2000: Leadership Advisory Team establishes Vision, Values, and Accountabilities for Leaders 2000: interacts with Employee Groups— hears issues and needs 2001: establishes Leaders’ Forum to explore leadership in action—stories 2001: conducts on-line survey of Academic and Administrative Leaders’needs 2001: pilots “Foundational Leadership Skills”
Talent Development at Western: Assessing and Meeting Needs 2002: Leadership Advisory Team establishes a Staff Development Team 2002: holds focus groups with leaders to hear their expectations of staff performance and supports required 2003: SDT hosts first annual Staff Conference; evaluation form requests learning needs 2003 LAT and SDT Conducts Organizational Culture Survey; shares results at Leaders Forum meetings
Talent Development at Western: Assessing Needs 2004 SDT Establishes Career Exploration course, via WIL, for frontline staff 2005 L&D and Western Leaders establish partnership with Western Continuing Studies to offer CIM program on site 2006 L&D launches Staff Customer & Colleague Communications Skills series L&D explores career and performance coaching for staff Admin Portfolio makes Talent Development a Strategic Goal
Talent Development at Western: Assessing Needs Western holds first Annual Staff Recogition Event: Western Awards of Excellence 62 people/teams were nominated by colleagues; 6 individuals and one team of 7 received awards at a noon-hour gala ceremony attended by staff, faculty and the President/Vice-President team. Awards were presented by Dr. Paul Davenport, President and Vice-Chancellor, and Helen Connell, Chair of the Board of Governors
Shared goals Synergistic roles/interdependent accountabilities Making the other shine Support Leaders: “Foundational Leadership” Some notes on our first leadership development program : “Leadership is Relationship”
- Shared Goals Meet their own needs: security inclusion achievement Meet organizational needs: continuance reputation success
Synergistic Roles/Interdependent Accountabilities Leaders: See the possibilities Establish goals and guidelines Define the resources Establish and build collaborative relation- ships and skills Keep information flowing Staff: Co-create the vision Produce the results, achieve the outcomes Use resources wisely Contribute to positive relationships; collaborate; grow Keep information flowing
Key Behaviours of Effective Leaders Inspire Shared Vision Model the Way Challenge the Process Enable Others to Act Encourage the Heart -Kouzes and Posner, The Leadership Challenge
Leadership Development Foundational Leadership Skills Myers-Briggs or Team-Management Profile: Emotional Intelligence 360 degree feedback on 5 Leadership Practices Thomas Gordon “Leader Effectiveness” Communication Skills
Leadership Development and “CCC” for Staff Foundational Leadership Skills: Thomas Gordon “Leader Effectiveness” Communication Skills Active Listening Respectful Asserting Problem Solving Conflict Resolution
Assessing Effectiveness Leadership Program: I year repeat of 360 degree feedback and skills refresher 2006 Repeat of Organizational Culture Survey 2006 Research Survey on Leadership and Employee Commitment External Surveys of Student Experience New Performance Review Form for Leaders: Based on Leader Program