OUTLINE Background Deliverables Lessons Sustainability Options
BACKGROUND AAP Nigeria focused on climate change risks, building resilience, empowering people and incorporating CC opportunities into national development. Implementation used the comparative advantage of 3 UN agencies in Nigeria: UNDP, UNICEF and UNIDO with the Federal Ministry of Environment, Dept. of Climate Change as Implementing Partner.
DELIVERABLES National Climate Change Policy that lays the foundation for future interventions on Climate Change in Nigeria Climate Change Scientific and Research Committee among University Dons available to serve as advisory group on climate change in Nigeria Climate Change mainstreamed into security and disaster management in the country. Nigerian children and youth empowered as change agents through the acquisition of knowledge and skills on climate change by the building of systems for Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and Disaster Risk Reduction; Resilience advanced by mainstreaming CCA/DRR/EPR into Education curriculum, development of life, leadership and conflict resolution skills and orientation in DRR-targeted exercises and participatory approaches to effect social and behavioural change in their communities.
DELIVERABLES Conflict and Climate Change Research conducted Website portal developed as a gateway for knowledge management and sharing; AAP Newsletter for wide dissemination of information on AAP activities to enhance informed decision making; AAP National Media Network established as a forum for coordinated reportage on climate change Application of a quantitative analytical framework (Threshold 21 model) to support assessment of climate change and vulnerability mapping of Nigeria; Reduction of flooding through development of small hydro power (SHP) and integrated agricultural interventions to increase agricultural production and enhance post-harvest storage and processing with emphasis on gender equality and youth employment.
Lessons Learned Interventions, technical designs and procurement were driven by assessments, studies and analysis; Wide range of consultations with the stakeholders enhanced support, commitment and ownership; Collaboration among UN agencies, government at the Federal, State and Local levels and the communities made room for creating synergies, resource mobilization and maximum impacts on the people at the grassroots; and Formulation and implementation of development projects takes time and difficult to meet timelines.
Lessons Learned Adequate stakeholder participation (across sectors) from inception ensures programme sustainability; Ownership coupled with high-level commitment by the government ensures smooth programme implementation. Project document should be designed based on country-specific needs and circumstances. Programme Management (Staffing, Monitoring, evaluation, etc) should be clear and precise before implementation starts PMUs need to be set up before project commences implementation.
Sustainability Options Ownership of deliverables by Government Continuous participation of stakeholders; Expected environmental and socio- economic benefits; Leveraging on available global interest and support to advance sustainability in the area of CC. Climate change desk in most ministries, thus makes it easier to include CC issues into budgets and plans of the specific ministries Periodic review of outputs through observations, clarifications, corrections, etc made if need be, to ensure it fulfills its objectives. Sustained Decision Making