Univ. of Ljubljana, FGG, Chair of Construction Informatics Information and communication technologies in construction - a framework Žiga Turk
Univ. of Ljubljana, FGG, Chair of Construction Informatics Context construction is complex construction is complex automation automation integration of processes integration of processes automation, tools, media for information management information technologies collaboration of people collaboration of people automation, tools, media for collaboration
Univ. of Ljubljana, FGG, Chair of Construction Informatics IDEF0 graphic language process input output control actors, resources
Univ. of Ljubljana, FGG, Chair of Construction Informatics Automation of work use technology as use technology as tool, assistant, media to create information to create information output/ input (base) process input output/ input (base) process input manual processautomated process
Univ. of Ljubljana, FGG, Chair of Construction Informatics Integration of processes output/ input (base) process input output (base) process IDEAL SITUATION: Integrated processes input base process output base process REALISTIC SITUATION: Glued processes outputinput glue process !!!
Univ. of Ljubljana, FGG, Chair of Construction Informatics integration integration glue Sub-Processes createeditrecorddistribute findretrievestoreconvertstore create process inputoutput processing product models communication classification, product models, indexing communication, neutral file formats product databases quality control, ISO 9000 synthesis, analysis, numerical methods, AI, computer graphics use process inputoutput processing HOW
Univ. of Ljubljana, FGG, Chair of Construction Informatics Create process Create. Information is created, most likely by processing the input. Typical approaches to information creation are analysis of the input, synthesis of information input, and through human input and intervention, for example, in drafting and 3D modelling. Create. Information is created, most likely by processing the input. Typical approaches to information creation are analysis of the input, synthesis of information input, and through human input and intervention, for example, in drafting and 3D modelling. Edit. Editing involves quality control of the information, checking it against standards, requirements. The create and the edit steps may form a loop. Edit. Editing involves quality control of the information, checking it against standards, requirements. The create and the edit steps may form a loop. Record. Information which is finalised in the create and edit step should be recorded, for example, into a file, printed out... Record. Information which is finalised in the create and edit step should be recorded, for example, into a file, printed out... Distribute. Information is distributed to the potential users. It can be sent directly to a person or placed on the Web, product database, library or company archive. In some cases the record and distribute steps are joined. Distribute. Information is distributed to the potential users. It can be sent directly to a person or placed on the Web, product database, library or company archive. In some cases the record and distribute steps are joined.
Univ. of Ljubljana, FGG, Chair of Construction Informatics Glue process Find. Information needs to be found, for example, by searching a project database, the Web, local library... Find. Information needs to be found, for example, by searching a project database, the Web, local library... Retrieve. Information is retrieved. The location of the information changes. Retrieve. Information is retrieved. The location of the information changes. Store. The information is stored locally. Store. The information is stored locally. Convert. In order to be useful in the information use process, the information often needs to be converted. Convert. In order to be useful in the information use process, the information often needs to be converted. Store. The converted version of the information is stored. Store. The converted version of the information is stored.
Univ. of Ljubljana, FGG, Chair of Construction Informatics Features of Glue Processes inputoutput base process inputoutput glue process WHAT FROM WHOM TO WHOM WHEN HOW project, company, country or general information person, application, machine sequentially, concurrently,...just-in-time,just-in-case,once-in-time person, application, machine technology... WHY
Univ. of Ljubljana, FGG, Chair of Construction Informatics Information Scope
Univ. of Ljubljana, FGG, Chair of Construction Informatics Actors: humans, applications, machines WHO
Univ. of Ljubljana, FGG, Chair of Construction Informatics Time - Sequential WHEN
Univ. of Ljubljana, FGG, Chair of Construction Informatics Time - Concurrent - Weak Weak concurrency Weak concurrency parallel work output processing inputoutputprocessing output processing processing conflict resolution
Univ. of Ljubljana, FGG, Chair of Construction Informatics Time - Concurrent - Strong Strong Concurrency: Strong Concurrency: input before outputsequentiallyinputoutputprocessingoutputprocessing concurrently inputoutputprocessing outputprocessing estimated input comparison
Univ. of Ljubljana, FGG, Chair of Construction Informatics Collaboration requires: requires: access/sharing object of work (see above) communication among them a from of control output/ input (base) process input
Univ. of Ljubljana, FGG, Chair of Construction Informatics Taxonomy of communication senderreceiver message
Univ. of Ljubljana, FGG, Chair of Construction Informatics Communication taxonomy (cont.) Session topology Session topology (sender | receiver) (one | many) Identity Identity (sender | receiver) (known | anonymous) Actor type Actor type (sender | receiver) (human | software | machine). Timeliness Timeliness (real time | past) which of these did we have before the Internet?
Univ. of Ljubljana, FGG, Chair of Construction Informatics which of these did we have before the Internet? Communication taxonomy (cont.) Space dimension Space dimension sender, receiver (same space | across distance). Mobility Mobility (fixed | mobile) Encoding Encoding (voice | text | documents | multimedia). Carrier Carrier (none | material | electronic | digital)
Univ. of Ljubljana, FGG, Chair of Construction Informatics Evolution of related Internet technologies genericAEC wideAEC specific simple complex eCommerce digital signatures Web space document management project management, scheduling, workflow news on-line services software for rent software library virtual libraries product database encryption engineering desktop virtual company B2B product data management AEC portals video conferencing on-line literature chat host applications software to dowload collaboration commerce information work FTP space information sharing communication application sharing intelligent products service collaboration networked components
Univ. of Ljubljana, FGG, Chair of Construction Informatics Media air (for speech) air (for speech) materail (paper) materail (paper) electronic electronic analog digital
Univ. of Ljubljana, FGG, Chair of Construction Informatics Encoding voice, video voice, video text text drawing drawing document document multimedia multimedia other data other data
Univ. of Ljubljana, FGG, Chair of Construction Informatics Structure unstructured unstructured implictit structure implictit structure explicite structure explicite structure
Univ. of Ljubljana, FGG, Chair of Construction Informatics Further reading Turk, Ž. (1997) A Framework for Engineering Information Technologies, K.S. Pawar (urednik), Proceedings, International conference on concurrent enterprising, University of Nottingham, 8-10 october 1997, ISBN X Turk, Ž. (1997) A Framework for Engineering Information Technologies, K.S. Pawar (urednik), Proceedings, International conference on concurrent enterprising, University of Nottingham, 8-10 october 1997, ISBN X A Framework for Engineering Information TechnologiesA Framework for Engineering Information Technologies Turk, Ž., Wasserfuhr, R. in Katranuschkow, P. (2000) Enviroment Modelling for Concurrent Engineering, International Journal of COMPUTER-INTEGRATED DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION (CIDAC), Vol. 2, No. 1, February Turk, Ž., Wasserfuhr, R. in Katranuschkow, P. (2000) Enviroment Modelling for Concurrent Engineering, International Journal of COMPUTER-INTEGRATED DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION (CIDAC), Vol. 2, No. 1, February Enviroment Modelling for Concurrent EngineeringEnviroment Modelling for Concurrent Engineering Turk, Ž. (1997) Communication Technologies in Construction, vabljen članek v P. Brandon in M.Betts (urednika), The Armathwaite Initiative, The Formation of a Global Construction IT Network, Construct IT Center of Excellence, University of Salford, Anglija, ISBN Turk, Ž. (1997) Communication Technologies in Construction, vabljen članek v P. Brandon in M.Betts (urednika), The Armathwaite Initiative, The Formation of a Global Construction IT Network, Construct IT Center of Excellence, University of Salford, Anglija, ISBN Communication Technologies in ConstructionCommunication Technologies in Construction Turk, Ž. (2001) Internet Information and Communication Systems for Civil Engineering - A Review, Chapter 1 in B.H.V. Topping (ed.), Civil and Structural Engineering Computing:2001, Saxe-Coburg Publications, Scotland, ISBN Turk, Ž. (2001) Internet Information and Communication Systems for Civil Engineering - A Review, Chapter 1 in B.H.V. Topping (ed.), Civil and Structural Engineering Computing:2001, Saxe-Coburg Publications, Scotland, ISBN Internet Information and Communication Systems for Civil Engineering - A ReviewInternet Information and Communication Systems for Civil Engineering - A Review Turk, Ž. (1997) Construction services on the Web, Structural Engineering International, ISSN , Vol. 7., No Turk, Ž. (1997) Construction services on the Web, Structural Engineering International, ISSN , Vol. 7., No Construction services on the WebConstruction services on the Web