"Looking for the Needle in the Haystack: Small, Unique Collections - How to find hidden gems?" Knowledge by Networking Conference, Berlin, June 21st 2007 Maria Sliwinska
Important national institutions National and university libraries National museums National archives National galleries
Big names British Museum,
Big names Louvre
Big names Uffizi in Florence
Big names Grünes Gewölbe in Dresden
Tools for collections location printed guides, catalogues, Inventories,
Researchers situation Necessity to travel Difficult to locate all necessary materials Cost of time and money
Time of change Digital collections Websites Registered by search engines
Difficulties Millions of hits on Internet Information not available on-line Metadata not adequate Too many single catalogues to search Lacking information where to look for
Discoveries Documents in unexpected places „Kazania Świętokrzyskie”
Small but interesting Victorian Museum in Tiverton
Famous object in small place Gutenberg Bible available in a small museum in Pelplin
From country to country Mathias Corvin, available in public library
Famous people in small places Amos Comensky’s archival materials available in Leszno
Historical monuments Polish king dauther Regelinda -XIII century in Naumburg
Interesting census records University Ingolstadt closed more than 200 years ago
Hollywood star from Lipno Pola Negri
Not only in France Maria Curie Skłodowska Museum in Warsaw
Big names Wit Stwosz altar
Union catalogues
Important initiative
Joining forces?