Famous People Jeopardy Review Game
Famous Foods Character Counts Faces and Places I’m Fighting for You! Remember Me? Jobs for Justice
Famous Foods (100 pts) This food was dumped into the Boston Harbor to protest taxes.
Famous Foods (200 pts) Mary McLeod Bethune baked this to help raise money for her school.
Famous Foods (300 pts) Cesar Chavez asked people all over the United States to boycott this crop.
Famous Foods (400 pts) Slaves were not allowed to learn how to read. Frederick Douglass gave poor white boys this food so they would help him learn to read.
Famous Foods (500 pts) When the King and Queen of England visited, “plain, ordinary Mrs. Roosevelt” had a picnic on the White House lawn and served this food.
Character Counts (100 pts) What character trait does the sentence below describe? Paul Revere wanted freedom from British rule.
Character Counts (200 pts) What character trait does the sentence below describe? Mary McLeod Bethune was willing to work hard to raise money to build her school.
Character Counts (300 pts) What character trait does the sentence below describe? Susan B. Anthony wanted fair treatment for women.
Character Counts (400 pts) What character trait does the sentence below describe? Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt worked together to help people.
Character Counts (500 pts) What character trait does the sentence below describe? Cesar Chavez thought workers should speak out to demand better treatment.
Faces and Places (100 pts) Mary McLeod Bethune built her school here.
Faces and Places (200 pts) Paul Revere was born here.
Faces and Places (300 pts) Franklin Roosevelt visited here because he thought it would help heal his polio.
Faces and Places (400 pts) Cesar Chavez was born here.
Faces and Places (500 pts) Eleanor Roosevelt was born and grew up here.
I’m Fighting for You! (100 pts) Frederick Douglass fought so these people could be free.
I’m Fighting for You! (200 pts) Paul Revere wanted liberty for these people.
I’m Fighting for You! (300 pts) Susan B. Anthony wanted these people to be able to vote.
I’m Fighting for You! (400 pts) Cesar Chavez fought so that these people could have better pay and working conditions.
I’m Fighting for You! (500 pts) Mary McLeod Bethune wanted these people to have an equal education.
Remember Me? (100 pts) I made a “Midnight Ride”.
Remember Me? (200 pts) I helped write the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights.
Remember Me? (300 pts) I was responsible for helping to form the United Farm Workers Union.
Remember Me? (400 pts) I wanted a “new deal” for the American people.
Remember Me? (500 pts) I wanted to create a “Great Society” to help end poverty and racial injustice.
Jobs for Justice (100 pts) Eleanor Roosevelt was given this important job after her husband became President.
Jobs for Justice (200 pts) Paul Revere had this job that helped with his “midnight ride”.
Jobs for Justice (300 pts) Thurgood Marshall was the first African American to be chosen to do this job.
Jobs for Justice (400 pts) Mary McLeod Bethune was not allowed to do this job in Africa.
Jobs for Justice (500 pts) Susan B. Anthony was fired from this job after she complained about the pay.