Ron Bean Mt. San Antonio College Scott Claypool SARS Software Products, Inc Session Number:ND-5
Configure Adapter Configure LMG/LMB Install Banner Software Configure Extra Data Configure Oracle Web Services Configure SARS Web Services Set-up Banner Crosswalk Table Banner SARS
You must have the following… Licensed Integration Technologies INTCOMP—Installed and functional LMB—Installed and functional LMG—Installed and functional Firewall rules in place
Extract the tar file and get this directory structure drwxr-xr-x 7 admin lum 4096 Mar 21 13:13. drwxr-xr-x 4 admin lum 4096 Mar 21 13:15.. drwxr-xr-x 3 admin lum 4096 May 1 11:22 bin drwxr-xr-x 2 admin lum 4096 Aug 28 12:04 config drwxr-xr-x 2 admin lum 4096 Mar 21 13:13 data drwxr-xr-x 2 admin lum 4096 Mar 21 13:13 lib drwxr-xr-x 2 admin lum 4096 Sep 15 02:18 logs
Edit Settings ### SIS (LMB) Connection Settings ## Username for connecting to secured destinations sis.username=sarsadapter ## Password for connecting to secured destinations sis.password=password ## URL of the LDAP server sis.provider.url=ldap:// ## Username for Java Naming and Directory Interface sis.provider.username=cn=sarsadapter,ou=People,o=messaging ## Password for JNDI sis.provider.password=password sis.source.clientId=sarsAdapterClient sis.source.durableSubscriptionName=ldiadapter$sarsAdapterClient
Edit DB Settings ### Banner DB Settings banner.db.driver=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver banner.db.user=integmgr banner.db.password=password banner.db.maxActive=5 banner.db.minIdle=3 ### Banner SQL banner.getPersonId.sql=sz_sarsintg.f_get_id_value banner.getAdditionalElement.sql=select GORRSQL_SQRU_CODE, GORRSQL_WHERE_CLAUSE from gorrsql where GORRSQL_ACTIVE_IND ='Y' and GORRSQL_SQPR_CODE = :groupCode banner.sars.inteGrpCode=SARSINTG Edit GORRSQL Settings
Edit Web Settings ### SARS Service Settings ## Service URL sars.password.maxlength=10 Edit Batch Settings ### Loader Configuration Settings ## Input file to processl loader.source=file:/home/admin/sars_data/icgorldi_ xml ## Baseline threadcount loader.pool.core.size=1 ## Maximum threadcount loader.pool.max.size=1
Create a user and password This is the JMS user/password created earlier mbtool add user -id= > -desc=”SarsAdapteruser” -credential= >
Allow user Normal Access
Allow user Consume Access
Standard Ellucian upgrade steps Set login.sql Validate objects Run RU ready Migrate files Run SQL Object create scripts Compile C programs Run RU Done
Add an Integration Code (GTVSQPR) SARSINTG (Must match Add Rule Code (GTVSQRU) Name of data (ex. Birthdate) Add Rule Definition (GORRSQL) Process-SARSINTG Rule-Birthdate SQL- SELECT spbpers_birth_date FROM spbpers WHERE spbpers_pidm= :pidm
Business Rule Process Parameters (GORSQPA) Process Code: IAM Parameter Code: PIDM This allows the use of :pidm in GORRSQL statement
On the Oracle Application Server Use the Banner Web Service OC4J Instance (Created when Banner Translations Service was installed) Select Applications Select Deploy EAR file J2EE Application—Browse for sarsintg_v1.01.ear Application Name: SARS_PROD Parent Application-Default URL Mapping../applications/SARS_PROD.ear Add JAZN user
SARS Software Products did this
opt/luminis/products/sarsadapter/bin/ For triggered events… For file processing… opt/luminis/products/sarsadapter/bin/