Responsibilities as Advisor Physical presence Real engagement Constructive criticism and questions: advise without dominating or directing. Establish check-in times with leadership. Communicate with more than one student. Assist with conflict resoluiton. Ensure money is handled appropriately. Take advantage of teaching moments.
Boundaries and Accountability Be frank about your turn-around time, work time and other expectations. Honor your own commitments. Recognize that this is a learning process and should be treated that way. Facilitate conflict resolution as needed. Political neutrality
Technology Texting Calling Facebook and MySpace LinkedIn
The Challenging Student Referrals for counseling Referrals for discipline Removal from positions or membership only following the bylaws Your responsibilities to the institution
Besides Time and Money… Get other Kiwanians involved. Be the advocate. Report on activities. Enable attendance by students for meetings and other activities. Make the case for the budget allocation. Be a reference or write a letter of recommendation when warranted.
The CKI Year (and the acronyms) April 1 – New officers assume office. Planning and training Banquets and senior recognition Spring Training Conference (“STC”) International Convention (“ICON”) and Large Scale Service Project (“LSSP”) Crazy Kompetition for Infants (“CKI”) Fall Training Conference (“FTC”) District Large Scale Service Projects (“DLSSP”) District Convention (“DCON”)
Thank you for coming! Camille Goulet