As developed by the Gilford Facilities Planning Committee
With this information……. You can make: An Informed Decision!
Facilities Planning Committee Jim Mull – Chairman Dennis Doten Chan Eddy Steve Grant Andy Howe John O’Brien Bill Rohr
Committee Makeup: The Facility Planning Committee was created with strong professional experience and education: Construction Police Command Experience Engineering Marketing Local committee experience
We’ve listened! The new FPC listened to the voters of Gilford and has identified the specific needs of our Police Department to improve their existing cramped quarters with an energy efficient addition/renovation!
Our objective: Save
The FPC Tasks To Date: Met most Mondays well over two years (7 years total) Reviewed basic police specific needs Set up a theoretical design Searched for an architectural firm Reviewed large and minute details (ex: laundry delivery) Searched for a builder Established specific costs Reviewed each phase with the BOS Now introducing our final plans to the voters
What we found out: The current police facility needs an upgrade All that have toured the current facility felt the cramped facility needs to be changed! We invite anyone to visit on a planned tour or personal tour
What we found out: It’s easy to see that there are safety and space concerns.
It’s easy to see………
It’s easy to see……….
It’s easy to see………
It’s easy to see………..
It’s easy to see……..
It’s easy to see………
It’s easy to see……..
It’s easy to see………
Again……… We invite anyone to take a tour!!!!!! Contact police headquarters:
The FPC recommended: The group recommended to the Board of Selectman the architectural firm: Amoskeag Architectural Group, LLC They have now completed a full set of plans, prequalified construction contractors, and helped to recommend to the Board of Selectman the firm of: Glen Builders, Inc
Front View:
Rear View:
Site Plan:
Floor Design:
What will be accomplished: Expanded space for current & future needs (20 years and beyond) Eliminate liability problems Safer tactical space for officers Compliance with current national police standards Allows for additional town meeting space Have operating costs as low as possible
You may ask: Do we really need to add to the police facility? Very tight, not housekeeping problem, safety, tactical, and liability problems Did the FPC look at other alternatives? Separate building, leasing, renting, off site How large will the new facility be? Appox. 11,180 sq.ft. with appox. 700 sq.ft. meeting room Has the FPC considered energy efficient designs? Anything/everything cost effective, insulation, heating/cooling, lights, roofing, rebates
You may ask………….. Why not connect to town hall heating/cooling? Separate issue, provisions are in place Is there a work out room in the new addition? No,o,o,o,o,o,o,o,o,………….. How will the geo-thermal work? Cost advantage? Underground water helps to cool & heat, initially cost higher, 3 – 5 year payback Is there enough insulation in the addition? Best that is cost effective, walls R49, ceiling R65
You may ask…………. How long will the new facility serve the police? Not only relief for them now, but for 20 + years How will the police department be affected by the construction? Already in construction plans, will work with Sheriffs office When would construction begin? Spring – will take about 9 – 12 months
What’s it going to cost?
Good News & Bad news
Comparative Sq. Ft. Costs: Meredith$176 p/sq. ft. Stratham$148 p/sq. ft. Laconia$143 p/sq. ft. Gilford $123 p/sq.ft.
What is the total project cost? $1.58 M
What’s the impact on tax rate? Just a change of $.0585 Per Thousand (average over 20 years)
What’s the impact on taxes? Median Home Average Annual TaxesAverage Sales value: Rate: Year 1/Year 20:Per year: $270, $21.60/$10.80$15.80 ( ) $300,000 “ $24.00/$12.00$17.55 $350,000 “ $28.00/$14.00$20.48 $400,000 “ $32.00/$16.00$23.40
Proposed Warrant Article: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of one million five hundred eighty thousand dollars for the construction and renovation of an expanded police station, to include a geo-thermal climate control system, and to authorize the issuance of not more than one million two hundred thousand dollars of bonds or notes in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Finance Act, and to authorize the Board of Selectman to issue and negotiate such bonds or notes and to determine the interest rate thereon; with the balance of three hundred eighty thousand dollars to come from the surplus fund balance.
So, if not now, when…………..? The current concerns/problems will not change!
So, Now is the time………. Gilford is in a unique position to accomplish this goal Full architectural plans are in place Project costs have been established The town hall mortgage has been satisfied Finance costs currently low
Gilford Police Facility Addition The Board of Selectman, the Facilities Planning Committee, and the Police Department: Appreciate your consideration and vote