© 2010 Invensys. All Rights Reserved. The names, logos, and taglines identifying the products and services of Invensys are proprietary marks of Invensys or its subsidiaries. All third party trademarks and service marks are the proprietary marks of their respective owners. © Invensys 00/00/00Invensys proprietary & confidentialSlide 2 ArchestrA Workflow – System Platform Integration Presented to name/s Presented by 00/00/00 (Month Day Year)
Integration Features & Highlights Proves Platform approach – adds on to any existing object template or instance with additional functionality. “Seamless” integration into the ArchestrA IDE, allows users to use tools that they are already familiar with. Contains all available connectors to Invensys software such as System Platform, Wonderware MES, Wonderware IntelaTrac, Wonderware InBatch, Historian Server, SimSCI-Esscor ROMeo Light Weight, robust, highly scalable product built on Microsoft Technology Slide 3
Architecture Slide 4 ArchestrA Workflow Software – Core ArchestrA Workflow Software – Options User Directory System PlatformEMIMESMobileBatchROMeo Platform & Application Integration Microsoft IntegrationDB IntegrationOther Integration Microsoft IntegrationEnterprise IntegrationForms Designer
Use Case Slide 5
Slide 6 Seamless integration of Workflow within ArchestrA IDE Archestra Workflow and the ArchestrA IDE
Slide 7 Process visualization in ArchestrA In Touch ArchestrA InTouch and the Plant Floor
Slide 8 Workflow Tab provides for comprehensive workflow management Workflow and the IDE
Slide 9 Easy creation of workflows Comprehensive Workflow Management
Slide 10 Business user friendly definition of processes using the Process Designer Intuitive Process Design Features
Slide 11 Intuitive definition of threshold values and alarms Data definition now easy
Slide 12 Workflow Tab Event Expressions Multiple Event Expressions
Slide 13 Workflow Gateway object for Connection Seamless connection with the Workflow Gateway
Slide 14 Workflow Gateway object for Connection Detail Comprehensive connection management
Slide 15 Spill event occurs on the plant floor Disruptive event occurrence
Slide 16 Spill event captured in a ArchestrA Workflow List Event capture by ArchestrA Workflow
Slide 17 Read ArchestrA attributes from ArchestrA Workflow Activity ArchestrA Attributes easily Captured
Slide 18 Workflow Complete Workflow completion
Inter Galaxy Communication Replicate workflows in different locations as inter Galaxy communication is now possible.