Survey Questions 1. Rank assigned to lead homicide investigations. 2. Methods to evaluate new police recruits. 3. Most important method to evaluate new police recruits. 4. Ranks investigating death by dangerous driving cases. ILEA Roswell Survey Results November 2012 Edition
Q1: In your office, what is the rank of personnel assigned to be in charge of (lead) a homicide investigation? (Select one) Rank of Personnel Percentage of Survey Respondents Rank of Personnel Leading Homicide Investigations Inspector and Superintendent are the most common ranks to lead homicide investigations. n=26 law enforcement professionals
Q2: Which of the following methods does your police department use to evaluate, select, and hire a new police recruit? (select all that apply) Recruiting Methods Percentage of Survey Respondents Methods Used to Evaluate, Select, Hire New Police Recruits Written exam is the most frequently used method. n=26 law enforcement professionals Respondents who chose “Other” identified the following: Background check Medical evaluation High school results Oral examination
Q3: Which of the following methods do you think is most important when evaluating, selecting, and hiring a new police recruit? (select one) Recruiting Methods Percentage of Survey Respondents Most Important Method to Evaluate, Select, Hire New Police Recruits n=25 law enforcement professionals Respondents who chose “Other” identified the following: Background check A combination of all 3 is required to give a clear picture of the candidate Physical evaluation is the least important according to survey respondents.
Q4: Which rank(s) in your police department investigate cases involving death by dangerous driving? (select all that apply) Police Ranks Investigating Percentage of Survey Respondents Police Ranks Investigating Death by Dangerous Driving Cases n=26 law enforcement professionals Respondents who chose “Other” identified the following: Any rank, depends on competency Corporal Senior Constable Rank of Sergeant most commonly investigates death by dangerous driving cases.