{ Gabby Genaw Ms. Crawford CPU 7B 28 March 2014
St. Frances Cabrini school and parish 1 ST GRADE 2 ND GRADE 3 RD GRADE 4 TH GRADE 5 th GRADE 6 TH GRADE 7 th GRADE 8 th GRADE SPECIAL CLASSES
Fabulous First Grade Fabulous First Grade Mrs. JohnsonMiss. Smolinski
Stupendous Second Grade Mrs. Palazzolo Miss. Benso
Tremendous Third Grade Mrs. Brennan Mrs. Topy
Fabulous Fourth Grade Mrs. LipkaMrs. Whalen
Fantastic Fifth Grade Miss. Higgins Mrs. Haftel
Super Sixth Grade Mrs. Seiloff; Homeroom, 6 th grade math and religion, 8 th grade math Mrs. Pizzo; homeroom, language arts 6-8 Ms. Beidie; homeroom, geography, science, reading 6 th grade only
Studious Seventh Grade Mr. Kerr; homeroom, science 6-8 Ms. Frankovich; Homeroom, reading 7 th and 8 th Miss. Winton-Smith; homeroom, english 6 th and 7 th
Excellent Eighth Grade Ms. Crawford; homeroom, CPU 4-8 Miss. Surma; Homeroom, geography 6-8 Mrs. Turnwald; homeroom, religion 7 th and 8 th
Special Classes Mr. Schneider; Drama, Music, Choir Mrs. Ackley; Art Mrs. Ryan; Living Scripture Mrs. Williams; library Mr. Bessette; gym Ms. Crawford; CPU4-8, yearbook Mrs.wisser; k-3 computers