Hannah Schultz Ms. Crawford CPU 7B 27 march 2014
Table of Contents Title page Main page Principal and Dean Main office Kindergarten First grade Second grade Third grade Fourth grade Fifth grade Sixth grade Seventh grade Eighth grade More teachers Drama, Art, Gym Cabrini girls sports Cabrini boys sports End page
When you first walk in to the elementary school you will see the main office Mrs. Redwine can help you with anything you need. Or any problem that you might have.
Principal and Dean Mrs. Pollick our principal!!!Mr. Harning the dean of students!!!
Kindergarten Mrs. Gawecki Mrs. Knapik Our very first stop is to the kindergarten.
First Grade Our second stop is to the first grade!!!!! Mrs. Johnson Miss. Smolinski
Second grade Mrs. Palazzolo Our third stop is to the second grade!!!!! Miss. Benso
Third grade Mrs. Topy Mrs. Brennan Our fourth stop is to the third grade!!!!!
Fourth grade Mrs. Lipka Miss. Whalen Our fifth stop is to the fourth grade!!!!!!
Fifth grade Our sixth stop is to the fifth grade!!! Miss. Higgins Mrs. Haftel
Sixth grade Mrs. Sieloff Math teacher Miss. Roman who has switched school so now we have a new teacher Ms. Pizzo. Language teacher Seventh stop is to the sixth grade!!!
Seventh Grade Mr. kerr science teacher Miss. Winton-smith English teacher Mrs. Frankovich reading Eighth stop seventh grade!!!!! Teacher
Eighth Grade ninth stop eighth grade!! Ms. Surma geography teacher Ms. Crawford computer teacher
More teachers Mr. Crupi Math teacher Mrs. Ackley Art teacher Mrs. Wisser English teacher Mrs. Ryan living scripture teacher Mrs. Williams school librarian
Drama, and Gym Mr. Schneider drama and music teacher!!!!!!! Mr. Bessette gym teacher.
Cabrini Sports Teams
Father Joe, priest at Frances Cabrini church.