You must be cleared through Fairfax County in order to drive any county vehicle. This form is typically filled out with your hiring paperwork, but make sure to check with a manager that you are cleared before operating any van at the center. Even after cleared through the county it is important that you do observation hours before operating the vehicle. Try to ride in a van at least 5 times before driving yourself.
Before driving the vans you must complete the check list for county vans EVERY TIME. These forms are located in the back boxes next to the printer. Simply fill out the van number, date, and driver, then complete the check boxes for any damages. Click on the link below to look at the Check List for Vans. S:\TEENCNTR\County Vans\Check List for County Vans.docx S:\TEENCNTR\County Vans\Check List for County Vans.docx
When you have completed a checklist for the vans, have an employee show you where completed forms go. The binder is located on the bookshelf outside of Ryan’s office.
Click on the link below to read the County Van Risk Management policy. Read carefully as you will be quizzed on this material after completed. S:\TEENCNTR\County Vans\Risk Management CL- 21.pdf S:\TEENCNTR\County Vans\Risk Management CL- 21.pdf
When an accident occurs complete the following steps. 1. Make sure everyone In the van is safe and has no injuries. 2. If there are no injuries call 911 or the police department to come to the scene of the accident. Next Call the center to notify a manager of the incident. You must fill out the vehicle accident report kit, located in the console of every van. Click the link below to look at this form. S:\TEENCNTR\County Vans\Complete VEHICLE ACCIDENT REPORT KIT Documents doc S:\TEENCNTR\County Vans\Complete VEHICLE ACCIDENT REPORT KIT Documents doc
You will notice on the form witness cards are attached. Please try to get all witnesses of the accident to complete this section of the form to help handle the matter in fairness for all parties involved. Make sure to turn the vehicle accident report in immediately to a manger. The manager has 48 hours to turn the form in to Fairfax County. Remember to always stay calm during an accident!
Click on the link below to watch three safety videos while operating a van. st=PLmQRpH0k_izQx0PiLvfcrgbagQgXEJ3ZZ st=PLmQRpH0k_izQx0PiLvfcrgbagQgXEJ3ZZ
Give a talk to all passengers before starting your drive. 1. All seatbelts are fastened at all time during the trip. 2. Keep all hands and feet in the vehicle and to yourself at all times while in the van. 3. Do not scream or shout while in the van. Load the van from front to back leaving all empty seats in the back. Do not follow other vehicles too closely. Increase your following distance. Slow down but avoid sudden breaking when going around turns. Remember the vans are top heavy and will flip over easier than a normal car. No children are Allowed in the front seat at any time.
Please click on the link below to see winter driving safety tips. S:\TEENCNTR\County Vans\Winter Driving Facts.pdf
If you have any questions or concerns about operating a van please talk to management immediately.