-Earlier, first formed hospitals were running under the religious stipulations. -Nurses were not professionally trained.
Nurses like Clara Barton, Florence Nightingale and Margaret Sanger are responsible for making nursing, the most valued profession today.
-Nurses played a crucial role in treating all the wounded people in the war.
-Community requirements were identified. -Awareness was created on epidemics like small pox and polio.
-Nurses wanted an increase on the education grounds and formulated action plans. -Nurses became highly skilled and trained by means of extensive research and development.
General Theory Development: -Nurses began to create theories as a result of greater education. -Theory development were mainly achieved by making use of nursing processes and research evidences. Theorist: Dr. Jean Watson
-Modern nursing theory was formulated by Watson -This caring healing practices model portrays that healing is equivalent to love and caring.
-Hope and truth injection -Caring instant acknowledgment -Delivering loving care and compassion to others -Forming credulous relationship -Inventive problem solving -Acquiescence of optimistic and pessimistic aspects -Enchanting in the instant -Providing an healing surroundings -Basic needs of the patient’s should be met - Should be open towards religious and mystic practices
-Nurses can practically try implementing the theory and heal the patient’s with proper love and care
-Nurses should join hands with their colleagues who endorse healing through Watson’s theory -Even you can become an admirable light!!
Jean Watson’s Caring Video. Retrieved fromhttp:// science.org Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2008). Population- centered health care in the community (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier.