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The AQA GCSE Course consists of the following elements: Speaking (30%) Writing (30%) Reading (20%) Listening (20%)
The Speaking and Writing Elements are assessed via Controlled Assessments. The 2 speaking exams will be completed during Year 10 The 2 writing exams will be completed during Year 11 Each of these Controlled Assessments will count for 15% of the final GCSE grade.
The 2 speaking exams will be based on the following topics: Exam 1: Mi Vida (My life) w/c 8th December Exam 2: Mis Vacaciones (My holidays) w/c 16th March
In lessons we will be covering all the language and grammar required for these exams Eg: Mi Vida Family Daily Routine Healthy living Present, past, future and conditional tenses
Once students have been given the task by their teacher (6 hours of lesson time before so 3 weeks of lessons) we CANNOT correct their work. Students CAN peer assess and self assess their work during this period Examples of grids used
To be successful it is CRUCIAL that students: Bring their books to all lessons Make good notes in class Complete all Home Learning on time and to the best of their ability
We can mark their Home Learning and classwork and provide feedback as to whether answers are suitable and how they can be improved We can practice speaking in lessons and in lunchtime clubs We can allocate learning mentors and FLA’s to support students
G A R We feel that the student has tried hard to complete this Home Learning/classwork and are pleased with their efforts We can see that the student has completed the work but feel they could have put in more effort The student has not completed the work to a satisfactory standard
1 2 3 This piece of work is on or above the level the student is/should be aiming for This piece of work is good but requires improvement to be at the standard the student is aiming for This piece of work is not up the level the student is aiming for
Lasts 4-6 minutes Students wil be asked 5 ‘main’ questions (though we can add additional questions to help prompt students) There will be a surprise question Students are allowed to take in 40 words to help them, NO conjugated verbs are allowed
Any retakes will be completed in Year 10 These will only be offered at the teacher’s discretion for exceptional circumstances Students will be required to attend extra lunchtime sessions and complete additional preparation for these
Check your son/daughter’s books! Check their home learning Ask them to tell you 3 sentences about the topic they are currently studying Encourage your son/daughter to read their classnotes/answers out loud on a regular basis (to themselves or to you, even if you don’t have a clue what they are saying!) Little and often is the key to success! Links (past speaking exams) Can you guess the level/grade?
We are now going to listen to a few of last year’s speaking exams. Try to note down some areas for improvement, you can also try to grade them if you wish. Test 1 Test 1 Test 2 Test 2 Test 3 Test 3 Test 4 Test 4
Vocab express Vocab express