Conversion Factors
In chemistry, it is often useful to be able to convert from one unit of measure to another For example: mass of a substance converted to the number of atoms in that substance, or converting from one metric unit to another metric unit
First we will see how it works with dozen.
You know that a dozen is 12 of something. If you have 36 donuts, how many dozen donuts do you have?
You want to know how many dozen in 36 donuts, and you know there is 1 dozen per 12 donuts, or 1 dozen 12 donuts Use this relationship to convert from individual donuts to dozen donuts:
36 donuts x 1 dozen 12 donuts In the problem how many dozen in 36 donuts, you know there is 1 dozen per 12 donuts, or 1 dozen 12 donuts Use this relationship to convert from individual donuts to dozen donuts:
In the problem how many dozen in 36 donuts, you know there is 1 dozen per 12 donuts, or 1 dozen 12 donuts 36 donuts x = 1 dozen 12 donuts 36 donuts x 1 dozen 12 donuts Use this relationship to convert from individual donuts to dozen donuts:
In the problem how many dozen in 36 donuts, you know there is 1 dozen per 12 donuts, or 1 dozen 12 donuts 36 donuts x = 1 dozen 12 donuts 36 donuts x 1 dozen 12 donuts = 36 dozen 12 Use this relationship to convert from individual donuts to dozen donuts:
In the problem how many dozen in 36 donuts, you know there is 1 dozen per 12 donuts, or 1 dozen 12 donuts 36 donuts x = 1 dozen 12 donuts 36 donuts x 1 dozen 12 donuts = 36 dozen 12 = 3 dozen Use this relationship to convert from individual donuts to dozen donuts:
In the problem how many dozen in 36 donuts, you know there is 1 dozen per 12 donuts, or 1 dozen 12 donuts 36 donuts x = 1 dozen 12 donuts 36 donuts x 1 dozen 12 donuts = 36 dozen 12 = 3 dozen Use this relationship to convert from individual donuts to dozen donuts:
If you have 2.5 dozen donuts, how many individual donuts are there? 2.5 dozen x 12 donuts 1 dozen there are 12 donuts in 1 dozen
If you have 2.5 dozen donuts, how many individual donuts are there? 2.5 dozen x= 12 donuts 1 dozen 2.5 dozen x 12 donuts 1 dozen 2.5 x 12 donuts 1 = = 30 donuts
Let’s try converting donut mass to number of donuts…
If you have 9900 grams of donuts, how many donuts do you have if each donut has a mass of 150 grams?
What is the relationship between grams and donuts? 150 grams = 1 donut If you have 9900 grams of donuts, how many donuts do you have if each donut has a mass of 150 grams?
150 g = 1 donut 150 g 1 donut = 1 1 donut 150 g = 1 these are your conversion factors
150 g = 1 donut 150 g 1 donut = 1 1 donut 150 g = 1 converts donuts to grams (grams on top)
150 g = 1 donut 150 g 1 donut = 1 1 donut 150 g = 1 converts grams to donuts (donuts on top)
The question is… If you have 9900 grams of donuts, how many donuts do you have if each donut has a mass of 150 grams?
The question is… If you have 9900 grams of donuts, how many donuts do you have if each donut has a mass of 150 grams? 9900 grams begin with the amount given in the problem 9900 grams
The question is… converts grams to donuts If you have 9900 grams of donuts, how many donuts do you have if each donut has a mass of 150 grams? each donut has a mass of 150 grams 1 donut 150 g 9900 grams x
The question is… If you have 9900 grams of donuts, how many donuts do you have if each donut has a mass of 150 grams? how many donuts do you have