The Karnawal (Carnival) is a joyful time in Poland between the end of Christmas holidays and the beginning of Ash Wednesday.
In the old days it was a period of active socializing in Poland. During the carnival, entertainment included hunting, weddings, balls and masquerades took place. The company not only ate, drank and danced, but also sang songs.
Carnival typically involves parties and public celebrations. People often dress up during the celebrations.
The traditional way to celebrate Carnival is the kulig, a horse-drawn sleigh ride through the snow- covered countryside.
Fat Thursday The Polish Carnival Season includes (Polish: Tłusty Czwartek), a day for eating pączki (doughnuts)
Only among cakes there are two traditionals carnaval desserts: Faworki (chruscik) Paczki (doughnuts)
Shrove Tuesday Śledziówka (Shrove Tuesday) - the Tuesday before the start of Lent is also often called Ostatki (literally "lasts"), meaning the last day to party before the Lenten season.