Competitive Food and Beverage Sales
Source of Requirements Federal 7 CFR Part 210 State 702 Kentucky Administrative Regulation (KAR) 6:090. Minimum nutritional standards for foods and beverages available on public school campuses during the school day; required nutrition and physical activity reports.
The first “window” opens when the first child arrives in the morning and closes 30 minutes after lunch. While this “window” is open, no sales of any food or beverage item may take place except as part of the school breakfast or lunch program.
The second ”window” opens at 30 minutes after lunch and closes at the end of the last instructional period. While this “window” is open, vending machines, school stores, school canteens, etc., may sell food and beverage items that meet the standards in the regulations.
The third “window” opens at the close of the last instructional period in the afternoon and closes at the arrival of the first student on the follow morning. While this third “window” is open, there are no nutrient standards restricting what may be sold.
Beverages sold through vending machines, school stores, canteens, or fundraisers on school property. Sect.1 Plain or flavored milk containing no more than 1 % milk fat. Plain or flavored, noncaloric, noncarbonated water. 100% fruit juice or vegetable juice or any combination equaling 100%.
Beverages sold through vending machines, school stores, canteens, or fundraisers on school property. Sect. 1 Any other beverage containing no more than 10 grams of sugar per serving. Volume size is limited to 17 ounces in elementary schools/ 20 ounces in middle and high schools ( grades 6-12).
Beverages sold through vending machines, school stores, canteens, or fundraisers on school property. Sect.1 Exception is made for volume size for elementary schools. Sale of 20 ounce can be sold of plain or flavored, noncaloric, noncarbonated water. Volume size for any beverage can not exceed 20 ounces.
Food sold through vending machines, school stores, canteens, or fundraisers on school property. Section 2 1. Calories from fat shall not exceed 30 % Excluding: 2% milk fat or less Cheese Nuts Seeds Nut butters
Food sold through vending machines, school stores, canteens, or fundraisers on school property. Section 2 2. Calories from Saturated fat shall not exceed 10%. 3. Calories from sugar shall not exceed 32% by weight. No more than 14 grams total. Excludes fresh, frozen, or canned dried fruits or vegetables.
Food sold through vending machines, school stores, canteens, or fundraisers on school property. Section 2 4. Chips, cereals, crackers, baked goods, and other snack items no more than 300 mg of sodium per serving. Pasta, meats, and soups < 450mg of sodium per serving. Pizza, sandwiches, and main dishes < 600mg per serving.
Food sold through vending machines, school stores, canteens, or fundraisers on school property. Section 2 5. The portion pack size for chips, crackers, popcorn, cereal, trail mix, nuts, seeds, or jerky shall not exceed 2 ozs. 6. The portion pack for cookies shall not exceed 1 oz.
Food sold through vending machines, school stores, canteens, or fundraisers on school property. Section 2 7. The portion pack for cereal bars, granola bars, pastries, muffins, doughnuts, bagels, or other bakery items shall not exceed 2 ounces.
Food sold through vending machines, school stores, canteens, or fundraisers on school property. Section 2 8. The portion pack for nonfrozen yogurt shall not exceed 8 oz. 9. The portion pack size for frozen dessert items, including low-fat or fat free ice cream, frozen juice bars, or real fruit items, shall not exceed 4 ozs.
A la carte items: A food or beverage item offered for sale as an a la carte item on the cafeteria line during the serving of breakfast and lunch.
A la Carte. Section 3 Beverages must meet the standards established in section 1. A food item must meet the standards established in Section 2. Except: A school may offer for a la carte sale any item that is creditable under the SBP or NSLP meal patterns as set forth in 7 CFR and
Meal Identification Foods or food components that are part of a meal must be labeled, listed, or otherwise identified near/at the beginning of the serving line and prior to POS so students so students can easily identify a reimbursable meal. Final rule does not set specific requirements. Allows you to establish requirements to fit your menu, facility and layout.